Chapter 41 : Jin hyung

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"Hyung!! Taehyungah! Wake up! Help! We need help now!" Jungkook cried out, just arriving in the hospital room. Taehyung's head snapped up, and his panicked eyes went from the Maknae to Kiaraa.

"Help!" He cried out, running outside to get help.

Kiaraa was bleeding out. Jungkook took Taehyung's spot and held Kiaraa's hand.

"Noona, you can't leave us. You have to stay with Taehyungie hyung, you have to stay strong and live a long happy life. If you can hear me, you have to fight to survive! Please."

"Step away from the bed!"

Jungkook let go of Kiaraa's hand and watched as they pulled her on her side.

"Could you please all leave the room?" Kai pulled Jungkook out. The Maknae was staring blankly at the sight he just had.

The machines were beeping wildly.

Taehyung came back. He tried to open the door but Jimin held him back.

"They're working on saving her. They asked for us not to be here."

"I am not staying out here when she might leave us." Taehyung cut, pushing the door open and closing it back behind him.

The doctors had torn the tunic they previously gave her. The scar from the surgery wasn't properly closed which caused the intense bleeding.

The whole team around the bed worked efficiently, giving their best and eventually stopped the bleeding, stabilising Kiaraa. They changed the sheets and left the room.

"You said her heart could stop, not that she could bleed out." Taehyung muttered darkly and the nurse who was just doing her job sent him an apologetic look.

"I'm so sorry, sir. Although, what is good is that she's fighting to survive. She has the will to live. She wouldn't have made it this far without it."

The nurse bowed and exited the room. Taehyung slowly walked to the bed. Kiaraa couldn't breathe on her own. She was weak. She couldn't open her eyes. Was she going to bleed out again? Did they do their job properly this time?

He sat by the bedside, on the other side from the one he previously was. He wanted to take her hand but saw her fingers were closed on a material.

Taehyung frowned and took her hand in his. He gently and slowly opened her fingers. His heart sank.

"Taehyunah, I love when you wear this. You look so good with it!" Kiaraa smiled, holding a red bandana she had picked from his drawer while picking a pyjamas top.

"I wear those for concerts, not really in the streets. It will look strange if I wear this, don't you think?"

"Nuh, you're always strange, you'll be hot and strange. How about that, young man?" Kiaraa jogged happily towards Taehyung and jumped, knowing he'd catch her.

She closer her legs around his waist and adjusted the bandana on Taehyung's head, a smile plastered on her face as she did, adjusting the bangs of hair.

Taehyung stared at Kiaraa, watching her concentrated face.

"There." She smiled. "You look perfect." She pecked Taehyung on the lips and was about to climb down but Taehyung didn't let go.

"Are you happy?" He whispered and Kiaraa closed her arms around Taehyung's neck.

"I'm with you, Taehyungah, I have a good job, I have friends. What more could I want in this world?"

He let her go and was about to remove the bandana, feeling weird wearing it.

"Nope! I don't think so! You're keeping that the whole day, love. Don't even think about taking it off."

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