Chapter Seventeen : Hotel del Luna

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"Taehyungah!" Taehyung turned around to see his soulmate waving for him to come.

"Be right back." He told Kiaraa who nodded.

The two singers left the room to talk outside. Taehyung had a questioning look on his face while Jimin looked concerned.

"What's wrong, Jiminah?" Taehyung crossed his arms, worried.

"It's about Kiaraa."

"What about her?"

"I overheard what they were talking about, her team. And I think it has something to do with someone she lost. I don't know, I'm not sure. But it sounded like it's a death anniversary..."

Taehyung looked serious, his eyes on the ground. He knew a thing or two about loss...

"But I don't know, there seems to be more to it."

"Yeah there has to be more to it, otherwise they'd just say it."

"Maybe it has something to do with that scar you told me about..." Taehyung frowned.


"Well, with what you've found out, all we know is that she's probably in a lot of pain. We should make sure she's okay through the day."

Jimin agreed and patted his friend's shoulder before going to wipe the table while Taehyung came back to finish the washing up. He entered the room when he saw Johnny and Kiaraa, face to face. Since he wasn't noticed he remained in the door frame.

"Kie, I know you asked for some distance. But today..."

"Johnny, I usually spend today with Kai. The other years I only saw the team briefly, nothing should be different."

"Kiaraa, is there no going back? Can our friendship not be like it used to be?"

"No." Kiaraa did feel terribly sad by this fact but it was true. "We can be friends and time will help bring us back to a nice place. But you crossed a line that you never should've, Johnny. And there's no going back in time..."

She wanted to leave, realising every time she looked at him how suffocating it was. She didn't trust him anymore, she felt scared and her wrist hurt. Most of all, she felt alone and deserted by her friend.

She looked away, looking for an escape.

That's when she saw him standing in the doorway, Taehyung. Her eyes met Taehyung's who was surprised, caught eavesdropping.

He was expecting a sharp remark or something.

"Ah, Taehyung, you came to tell us that they're starting watching. Well, let's go." She smiled and took his hand, leaving the room.

Once out of Johnny's sight, her very shaky hand dropped Taehyung's. He had let her pull him away, surprised by her actions.

"I'm sorry about that...." she whispered embarrassed.

"No need. It's totally fine. Come on, the drama is going to start." He smiled, taking back her hand and steadying it in his.

Kiaraa was surprised and looked up at the young singer.
He shared a confident and kind smile, from which Kiaraa drew comfort and strength.

The two went to the living room which had been turned into a cinema room, the lights off, the curtains pulled, but the screen wasn't on yet. Everyone was there except from Taehyung, Kiaraa and Johnny.

Taehyung was about to let go of Kiaraa's hand but she didn't let go of his. They were in the dark and no one could see them. No one could see Taehyung's surprise or blush, no one could see Taehyung's long hand close back on hers. No one did see Kiaraa looking up at Taehyung gratefully and him looking back her way even though neither could find the other's eyes.

They sat on the couch where there had been two spots left.

There was an armchair left empty. Johnny was going to come later.

"What are we watching?" Taehyung asked.

"Hotel del Luna." Jungkook announced excitedly.

A smile appeared on Kiaraa's face as she remembered Liz, and the screen showed her face. Taehyung turned to her and watched her tired eyes look down.

His eyes then fell on their hands. He could've found strange the fact that she wanted to hold his hand. Either childish or strange. But it was neither.

They both felt that strange connection that they couldn't explain, even though they had only met a few weeks ago.

The episode started and of course comments flew from here and there while others, tried to shut up those disturbing commentators, Jungkook was among the second group.

They laughed through half of the first episode at the end of which Joon Woo and Ae-cha were the first to plead the hyungs for another episode before lunch.

Of course they agreed, especially when the golden Maknae pleaded them, showing his big doe eyes.

"Okay! Here we go for another round!!" Jin pressed the remote and the second episode played.

Johnny sat back in his armchair, taking out his phone. He typed something and looked Kiaraa's way. He looked at her but then his eyes fell on Taehyung, on how close they were sitting. He felt sad until his eyes fell on their hands.

His sadness turned into bitterness. He saw the way Taehyung looked at Kiaraa, he saw the way she trusted him, even though they only met a few weeks ago. Johnny felt bitter. He had been the one here for her in the hardest times of her life. He had been there for her. But one mistake ruined it all. One stupid mistake ruined the friendship he fought so hard to build for years.

He remained sitting when the episode ended and everyone else stood. Kiaraa and Taehyung stood up, letting go of each other's hand very naturally.

He knew it was petty but he was against their friendship. Taehyung and Kiaraa didn't trust him, he couldn't let them be closer, or the friendship he had broken would never be back to the way it was. BTS had been the ones to offer drinks and to offer to party all together. If he hadn't drunk that much none of it would've happened.

This job was a curse according to Johnny. And losing it was the solution. But he didn't want to be fired and be forever apart from the team.

He wanted to get the team fired. They all started out as almost nothing, they could do it again. Or if he couldn't do it, he'd find a way to destroy whatever friendship was beginning to grow between Taehyung and Kiaraa.

Johnny stood up and left the room. He was determined. And he had more than one idea to do it. Idols are so fragile. Like a house of cards, blow on even one card and the house crumbles.
He wasn't going to blow on one card, he was gonna blow on the whole damn house.

Look at our Worldwide Handsome 🌟

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