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Bianca and Karui walked into the large dining hall on campus. Round tables were scattered around the room, a large sign marked 'MENU' is plastered on the wall listing the different breakfast foods. The duo make their way and get into the long line of students.

"Oh fuck me they have French toast." Karui nearly moaned rolling her eyes to the back of her head and lightly bouncing between each foot.

"Don't have a god damn orgasm in the middle of this line." Bi let out a small grin and looked up from her phone to peer at her friend.

Smirking, Karui replied, "I wouldn't dare... these people don't deserve the pleasure of seeing me in such state."

"Dude too much in-"


Brown eyes looked up and Bianca turned her head to where she heard her name being called. A familiar head a blonde hair was walking towards her with another dark haired male.

When the two arrived, Naruto and Sasuke joined the other duo in line.

"Hey Naruto, Sasuke." Karui smiled at the both of them.

"Hey karui." Naruto blushed with a small smile of his own.

Bianca looked between the two quirking her eyebrow before eyeing the Uchiha, he merely shrugged and looked away into the dining hall.

"Are you joining us for breakfast?" Bianca asked looking back over to the blonde.

"No, we were actually coming to ask you guys a question." Naruto sheepishly said scratching the back of his head.

"Oh?" Bianca quirked a brow.

"We are throwing a surprise party for Sakuras birthday."

"No, YOU are throwing a surprise party, it will just be at my house." Sasuke rolled his eyes and glared at the blonde next to him.

"Yea... so can you guys help me set it up and stuff?" Narutos arm went back down to his side and he shoved both hands into his pockets

Bianca stood awkwardly.

Okay so, it's not like she didn't WANT to help and go to her friends party... Buuuuttt.... It's at sasukes house. Sasuke lives with his family. Sasuke has a brother. She spilled beer on that brother. Yea yea she said all that talk about her friends being over dramatic but she won't lie and say a part of her wasn't a bit.... 'Put off' by the whole thing. Honestly her friends could be a TAD dramatic at times, and other times they weren't.

She honestly was not trying to find out. 

"I don't... really think that I'll be able to-"

"Yes, we will be there. What day and time?" Karui interrupted her unapologetically.

Bianca sent her a side eyed glance before facing her friends again.

"Her birthday is the 28th but I think she is going to dinner with her family so we are having it before they arrive on the 25th."

'Okay so basically I have 15 days to come up with an excuse to not go. Great.'

"It's a pool party so bring your swimsuits ladies." Naruto gave a wide blinding smile.

'Even better.'


"What the hell Karui?"

"Mwah?" Karui asked around a mouth filled with sticky french toast drenched in syrup and powdered sugar.

"Dude, after all that shit you guys gave me last weekend about Sasukes brother and now you are forcing me to go to a party at his house? Might I add, the chances of him being there you know, because it's his house, are extremely likely."

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