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A/N: keep in mind this is my first time writing something. Be patient with me.

Smut warning

Biancas currently in her bedroom stuffing tissue paper into a bag where Sakuras birthday gift lay.

"HEY BI!" A muffled yell came from behind her wall. Her door was yanked open by her roommate.

She looked up from the bag where she was adding the last of the paper. "Wassup?"

"We gotta leave in like 30 minutes so we can help put up the decorations."

Bianca nodded and looked back down and finished the bag. She noticed Karui was still standing at the door and lifted her head back up. "Is there something else?"

Karui fidgeted nervously before she spoke again. "Yea, uh... we need to pick up the alcohol."

"Okay?" She quirked a brow at her red haired friend. "Why do you look so nervous?"

Karui stood by the door for a short pause before hesitantly walking into the room and taking a seat at Biancas desk rolling chair. "You know Nara?"



Bianca rolled her eyes and gave her friend a 'duh' look.

"Okay okay, welll you know his friend?"





"What about him?"


Bianca looked down at her friends fingers as they were fidgeting and back up at her friends bowed head. "Spit it out."

"Last week I ran into him and Shikamaru at the cafe, you know the one by the library?" Bianca nodded. "Some guy was being an asshole towards me after I accidentally dropped my drink-"

"AND YOU CALL ME CLUMSY?" Bianca exclaimed.

"That's besides the point asshole! ANYWAYS, Choji stepped in and like told the guy to calm down and shit and he was like really nice and I don't know I was rude to Choji because I didn't want his protection and I just- I feel really bad."

"What?" Biancas eyes brows shot up in astonishment. "Karui.... Are you feeling alright?"

The other female rolled her eyes, "I'm fine Bi. I just... I don't know he was really sweet and no one has really done that for me before and I don't know...." Karui trailed off looking down at her hands.

Biancas lips quirked in the corner before her mouth slowly formed into a shit eating grin. "Oh my god. You like him."

Karui looked back up and shrugged sheepishly.

"Holy shit, you should totally talk to him."

Karui let out a sigh before slouching down in the black chair. "I don't even know how to start a conversation with him."

Bianca smirked.

"He'll be at the party tonight."

Karuis eyebrows shot up and she straightened her back. "Really?"


Karui bit her lip in thought before she spoke again. "Okay."

"Talk to him tonight. Thank him for being nice and start a conversation with him or something you know? It's a party, grab a drink and just relax with him." Bianca smirked before continuing, "then maybe you can fu-"

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