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Itachi was released from the hospital a couple days later. He was instructed to rest for a week longer before he was allowed back to class. Once Itachi was back home he finally introduced Bianca to his family as his girlfriend.

Shisui and Mikoto were overjoyed at the new and Fugaku sounded utterly unimpressed but didn't say much. Bianca was happily welcomed into the home with open arms.

Well besides the fact she still had yet to meet Madara.

Summer break was quickly approaching and  so was the end of the semester. Bianca signed up for a summer internship in New York and Itachi was preparing to work in Suna. Of course Bianca still had another year of school but if things go well, after her last year she might move out there permanently.

Bianca and Itachi barely saw each other as they were both held up with studying. It was the end of the year and as finals were coming soon, the duo were stuck in their own holds.

As much as the woman itched to hang out with her boyfriend, her grades were more important.

Bianca currently sat on her bed going through her notes. Ear buds were plugged into her ears and music blared. Her head bobbed to the beats and she was lost in her own world.


She raised her head and pulled the wires to her headset. "Yea?"

"I'm gonna hang out with Choji." Karui stood at the door in sweats and a tank top.

Bianca nodded, "okay."

Karui shut the door. Bianca heard the faint click of the front door opening and closing and plugged in her earbuds once again. She stared down at her paper, her mind sat blank. She kept reading over the same sentences but didn't process anything. She sighed heavily and pulled out her buds once again. She closed her book and set her belongings down on to the night stand next to her.

She grabbed her phone and opened her food ordering app. She ordered local Mexican food and laid back onto the bed.

A sudden knock came to the front door and Bianca furrowed her brows. "What the  hell..." she whispered to herself and stood up. She walked out her room and head towards the disturbance. She undid the lock and opened the door.

A large smile stretched across her face as Itachi stood there with a store bought cake that read 'happy birthday Bi!"

"I'm gonna kill Karui." She chuckled lightly and opened the door wider for Itachi to step inside.

"Are you not happy to see me Bianca?" Itachi slid off his shoes and walked to the dining table before setting down the cake and a gift bag she didn't even realize he was holding.

"I'm always happy to see you." She grabbed his arm and turned him around before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. His hands met her waist and he pulled her into his body.

"I missed you." He mumbled against her lips.

Bianca hummed before pulling back and unwrapping her arms. She greedily rubbed her hands together, "what-"


She looked over to the male and grinned. "I love you."

She froze as she realized just what exactly she had just said. The fact that she allowed those three words to spill out, and over cake?

She felt her heart rate pick up and decided to proceed like it didn't happen. She reached for the gift bag but as her hand was just about to grab it, the bag was snatched away.

UnfortunateEvents (Modern! ItachixOC)Where stories live. Discover now