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A/N: drawing was like kinda rushed lol ok ok bye

"Bi! Oh my god!" Karui burst through her roommates door. It was Tuesday afternoon and Bianca had just gone to the club with Itachi the previous Friday. Bianca was currently seated on her bed resting her back against the headboard while idle scrolling through her feed.

"What's up?" She raised her head and looked up at her excited friend.

"That new ride at Disneyland is opening this weekend."

Biancas eyes widened, "wait really?"

"YES!" Karui exclaimed and shook with joy.

"We are going." Bianca finalized.

"I'll look up tickets." She stated and started to close the door before she stopped and opened it wide again. She gave a sheepish smile at Bianca.

"Yes. You can invite Choji."

Karuis smile widened and she walked out, closing the door behind her.

Bianca started to scroll through her phone again before she paused and teeth purses her lip in thought. She sighed and opened her contacts before messaging Itachi.

B: hey

She closed the app and waited a few moments before she felt her phone buzz with a new notification.

I: "hello."

B: "Karui and I are going to Disneyland this weekend wanna come?"

Bianca watched as a typing bubble popped up and then disappeared again. She sat for a few seconds before his reply sent in.

I: sure.

Bianca smiled and stood up and walked to her roommates door. She knocked and after hearing a small 'come in' she entered the room.

"I invited Itachi."

Karui quirked a neatly trimmed brow at that. "Itachi Uchiha?"

Bianca scratched the back of her head sheepishly and shrugged. "Yea."

"You guys seem to have been getting close..." Karui tilted her head and slightly grinned at her friend who couldn't meet her eye. "Do you like him?"

Bianca fake yawned and rubbed her eyes. "Well I had a long day in class I think I should probably rest before my shift at work." She turned to leave.

"Stop." Karuis voice was hard. Bianca squeezed her eyes shut and turned back around. "You like him?"

Bianca looked at the ground, clenched her hands into fists before relaxing them and nodded.

Karuis grin grew bigger and she stood up trudging to her awkward friend. "Took you long enough to realize." She placed a hand on Biancas shoulder. "Let's make the trip worth it then!"

Bianca lifted her gaze to her best friend who was grinning widely at her. She scoffed and playfully rolled her eyes. "Yea Yea."

Luckily Karui snatched 4 tickets to the park for Saturday.

The line inside the dinging hall was excessively longer than usual.

"Why is this line so loooonggg?" Karui groaned and tossed her head back. "This is taking forever."

Bianca rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, "we've been in line for five minutes."

"That's like four minutes more than usual!" Bianca sighed and looked over to her friend. "Go find a table and I'll buy your food."

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