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Everything was not fine.

Itachi had a startled waking. He clenched his jaw grinding his teeth as he held in a cough threatening to spill. He shifted and softly removed his girlfriend from his chest where she laid sleeping softly. He slipped out of the bed and rushed out the dark room as quietly as possible. Judging by the darkness outside of his window he assumed it was early, maybe 2ish.

He walked down the hall to the bathroom he shared with Sasuke. He shut the door softly and gripped the counter finally letting out a series of wet coughs. He lifted his right hand and gripped his black shirt harshly. Pain ripped throughout his chest and throat. The sounds of wet coughs echoed in the large bathroom.

A mixture of blood and saliva sat on the male lip. Tears prickled at the corners of his eyes from the sharp pain vibrating through him.

The previous day Itachi had gone to his weekly scheduled doctors appointment.  For years he had been dealing with this sickness. Health officials haven't been able to identify it but they knew enough to assign him prescription to help the bleeding. The only people who knew of the males sickness were his parents, Sasuke,  and cousin Shisui.

Of course they kept quiet about the information. The fact is, if if the public knew about a Itachis declining health the Uchiha name would be on every article for weeks to come. They were talked about enough about as it was, the added drama would do more harm than good.

A knock came from the other side of the door. By no means was Itachi religious but he made a silent prayer hoping it wasn't who he assumed it was. He stilled, putting a hand over his mouth to muffle the sounds and turned on the faucet. He suddenly realized he doesn't remember locking the door but just as he was about to lock it, the door slowly opened.

He let out a sigh of relief and turned off the running water. He wiped his mouth and looked down at his palm to see red smudged over his hand.

"Go to bed, Sasuke." He stated turning on the water once again and grabbing the bottle of soap squeezing some into his hand.

"It's getting worse."

It wasn't a question. Itachi knew that. As much as he wanted to deny it he knew Sasuke wasn't an innocent child that would believe anything his older brother said anymore. So with all this, he stayed quiet and continued to scrub the blood from his hands.

"Did you tell her?"

Itachi looked up from his hands at the mirror and met the younger males calming gaze.


Sasukes face  softened. "Itachi-"

"I'm handling it."  He looked back down at his hands and turned off the sink before grabbing the nearby towel and drying his hands.

"Bullshit. You're waiting until the last second. We both know what's coming Itachi. No one is able to help us. Stop living in this stupid reality that you are able to control what's happening because you can't." Sasuke glared at his brother through the mirror before turning to face him fully.

"I will be fine sasuke." Itachi stated calmly. His voice harsh, attempting to leave no room for arguing but yet again Sasuke ignores it. "Itachi everyone had excepted the fact that we can't do anything. Me, mom, dad, hell Shisui too. The only person still in denial is yourself. This whole thing is just going to continue to worsen until eventually you fucking di-"

"Enough Sasuke." Itachi stated firmly and glared at his younger brother. He watched the males posture straighten and eyes widen. He never talked so harshly before let alone to Sasuke. "I'm handling it." He walked around his brother and calmly trudged out the bathroom.

UnfortunateEvents (Modern! ItachixOC)Where stories live. Discover now