Pop goes the weasel!

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A/N: keep in mind I'm not a digital artist, I just downloaded a random art app on my phone and doodled.

He wasn't mad, that's ridiculous.

Itachi was frustrated. If he explained that the medication was for his health, he would also need to explain the reasons for it.

He wasn't ready for that.

So instead he hightailed it and ran away.

Once again, Sasuke was proven right.

His mind was racing, mentally scolding himself for being so utterly stupid.

He thought of all the assumptions people tend to create about the great 'Uchiha prodigy'.

He let out a humorless chuckle and shook his head as he gripped the wheel and turned onto the next block.

"If only they could see you now." He murmured to the warm air suffocating him within the vehicle.

The streets tonight were busier than usual, his driving swerved slightly as his body worked on auto pilot. His brain was moving a mile a minute as he thought of absolutely nothing. Holding in stress was finally starting to eat at him from within.

His hands shook on the wheel at the thoughts of his soon procedure. He removed his left hand from the wheel and pressed down on the window button allowing the night air to drift through. His breathing started to quicken and hands slicked with sweat. He tapped the back of his hand to his forehead feelings beads of wetness beginning to form.

He felt the familiar feeling of pressure tightening in his gut and a dry cough slipped from his throat. He gripped harsher into the wheel of the car as he accidentally swerved. He straightened out as another car swept past him.

The warm taste of iron hinted in his cavern. His eyes slammed shut from the pain and a loud honk sounded from outside the window. He just barely opened his eyes again to see bright lights facing him. He grabbed the wheel with both hands and harshly spun the wheel right.

Another wet cough spilled from his lips and he slammed his foot down onto the brake halting the car. He peaked one eye open as he started going into a coughing fit. A car was behind him racing down the road heading straight towards him. He banged his fits on the wheel harshly. His breathing was staggered as more wet coughs escaped his lips. Blood tinted his hands and the feeling of dizziness filled his foggy head.

Seeing that the car wasn't going to stop he unbuckled himself and lazily pulled the car handle before pushing the door open. The car was riding closer as Itachi slid out and stumbled to the other side of the car. He reached the sidewalk and his knees buckled. He fell too the pavement and more harsh coughs slipped from his mouth.

A loud boom of metal meeting metal sounded from a few meters away as the speeding car landed the hit on his. Itachi would have yelled, he would have walked to the car to check on the driver, but he couldn't as his body slumped forward and darkness enclosed him.


Bianca woke to her room being slightly darkened. She picked up her phone to check the time and saw it read 10am.

She stood up and lazily trudged over to the window before pulling open the blinds. The sky was grey and blanketed in dark clouds.

She grimaced at the sight before sighing and closing the blinds once again.

After Itachi walked out the previous day, Bianca took the pleasure of having a mental breakdown while indulging in greasy pizza. Karui did not return last night and from the sound of it still hasn't.

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