
16 1 0

(A/N: this chapter is very interesting. I've been working really hard on this one and I think you'll all enjoy it and basically what I'm trying to say is I have nothing important to say I just wanted to write and Authors Note.

But like enjoy."

Light drifted into the small bedroom and Bianca slid her eyes open before closing them again. Her head was pounding and she rolled over away from the window to face her wall. She took her hands and lazily tapped it along the bed and when she didn't find what she was searching for she looked towards her night stand. She didn't see her phone and she shot up and frantically looked around the room. She got out the bed and hurriedly lifted the blankets up and kicked clothes that laid on the floor only to not see her cellular device anywhere.

She walked out of her room and knocked in Karuis door. Her roommate opened it and her hair was messy while she wore a loose grey tee and black sporting shorts.

"It's too early for this shit." Karui said with a glare.

"Have you seen my phone?"

"No. Last time I saw it was at Sasukes when we were in the kitchen."


"Shit, okay um... do you have his number?" Bianca asked while slightly bouncing from one foot to the other in anticipation.

"No. But I can call Naruto." Karui said before walking into her room and grabbing her phone from her nightstand. She dialed the blondes number and put the phone to her ear.

She took for a moment before sighing and putting the phone back on the nightstand. "It went straight to voicemail."

"Fuuuuck. Okay I'm gonna go over there then."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

Bianca shook her head and walked back down the hall. She put on a long sleeve turtle neck to cover her... gift; compliments of Shikamaru and a pair of shorts. She went to the front door and grabbed her keys heading back out to the Uchiha household.

When she drove up to the pull around, there was an unknown car sitting in the front. Bianca parked her car before rushing up the steps and ringing the doorbell. She waited a moment before the door opened and a woman met her gaze. Hey eyebrows shot in surprise before she schooled her facial expression to a kind smile.

"Oh hello, and who would you be?" The woman asked. She had shoulder length wavy black hair. Onyx kind eyes held Biancas gaze. She wore a beige button up blouse that was tucked into black slacks. A necklace laid around her neck with a small pendant at the end.


"Nice to meet you Bianca. I'm Sasuke and Itachis mom, Mikoto." The older woman stuck her hand out for Bianca to shake. The younger took the hand and shook giving a kind smile to the Uchiha.

"Are you looking for the boys?" Mikoto reclined her hand back to her side. She leaned against the door frame and crossed her hands over her chest.

"Yes I believe I might have left my phone and I was hoping Sasuke had it or something..." Bianca trailed off and nervously fiddled with her fingers.

"Oh well come in come in." Mikoto moved and opened the door wide and ushered Bianca into the home. "He should be in his room, Ill go get him. Go can just go take a seat over there."

Bianca nodded her thanks before going to the living room and sitting down on the couch. She sat for a moment looking down at her hands and picking the skin around her nail.

"What are you doing here?"

She jumped from fright and looked at the opposite entrance from where she came in.

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