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Itachi stood atop the stage, he currently held his posture straight as he stood behind the microphone and gave the class speech. His cap and gown were blue and contrasted greatly against his pale skin.

His velvety voice drifted into the ears of other students and families alike. Bianca sat in the stands along with his family and watched the male give his goodbye speech.

After Biancas birthday in April, the couple planned on doing their own things. They would work on it as they moved along. Itachi was leaving for Suna tomorrow and Bianca were to leave for New York next week. Of course they wanted so deeply to be together but life had different plans.

"-these things that we have experience within the short time here were just small parts to the long list of events leading to come-"

Biancas thoughts drifted to the first time she met Itachi back at the party. She mentally laughed at how she thought he was some random loner.

If only she could see herself now.

Itachis speech wrapped up rather well and the moment everyone had been restlessly waiting for arrived. The call of names begun and students went up and grabbed their diplomas before seating again.

Once Itachi was up there Bianca and Sasuke stood up proudly and their yells sounded louder than the sad claps of others around the stadium. Mikoto smiled softly at the duo, Fugaku shook his head embarrassingly and Shisui sat busy clapping proudly.

Once the ceremony ended the Uchiha family walked down to the field and Bianca followed with them. Itachi reached them and pulled his mom into a sweet hug. His father pat his shoulder a few times in congratulations. Mikoto took pictures of Itachi along with Sasuke and Shisui. Bianca stood to the side and smiled softly at the adoring family.

Her eyes met Itachis and he apologetically went away from his family.

"Congratulations Uchiha." Bianca stated with a firm mocking voice.

"Don't call me that." Itachi scrunched his nose into a grimace.

Bianca took a step closer to the male and smirked, "what don't like role play? Hot business man and his sexy assistant."

The corner of Itachis lips twitched up, and his eyes gleamed in amusemet.

"Might have to try that sometime." He mumbled before leaning in and dropping a kiss to Biancas lips. She returned the kiss but they stopped as they heard a click sound from besides them.

They opened their eyes and turned their head to see Mikoto, Shisui, and Sasuke holding their phones up pointing the cameras towards the couple.

"Mom you were suppose to put your ringer on silent." Sasuke grumbled to the woman next to him.

"I know I was just so happy!" She's giggled out.

Bianca laughed gently and faced her boyfriend again. "Your family is cute."

Itachi sighed and shook his head before looking back at his girlfriend. "Just wait until you meet Madara."

"What's wrong with him?" Bianca quirked a curious brow at her boyfriend.

Itachi gazed up to the sky in thought, when he finished his gazed dropped back down to the woman in front of him. "He's the cause of a lot of.... Unfortunate Events." Itachi hummed thoughtfully.

Bianca grinned widely, "You know I'm always up for a challenge."

A/N: lol thanks to those who stuck around... for whatever reason???

Idk this story was kinda lovey dovey. When I started I really wasn't planning on that tbh... If I write another story it will probably be like crime or something toxic cus I'm not the best person for conveying happy emotions. Anyways, byeeeeeeeeeee

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