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A/N: lol for the pic above u gotta turn ur head sum to see it correctly. Sorry lol.

"I'm leaving."

"What do you mean you're leaving?"

"Come the end of the school year, after I graduate I am leaving."


"My moms sending me to work a branch in Suna."

Bianca looked down at her hands in her lap and sighed, "oh."

They knew this was bound to happen. They had two different career paths they were taking.

Bianca and Itachi have been dating for about four months, it was currently the end of January. Itachi was graduating at the end of this year, of course they knew it was just a matter of time until he found out about what his mother had planned for him.... They didn't didn't expect it this soon.

They kept their relationship under the wraps. Of course Karui knew. The day after Disneyland she walked into Biancas room without knocking and saw them snuggled against each other naked, in the dorm bed.

Sasuke also knew from noticing how Itachis personality had changed. The younger brother poked around a bit and realized. He threatened to spill the beans to everyone if he didn't get the full story from his brother.

Besides them, no one else had a clue anything was going on between the duo.

Shikamaru and Bianca stopped "hanging out" that day when shika told the woman about his growing feelings for Temari. Of course they were still friends but, without the benefits portion. She kind of missed the lazy punk.

Earlier last week her theatre teacher Iruka told the technology class about an opportunity to study in New York over the summer and throughout next year.

Bianca had thought about it and talked it over with Itachi, of course the male just said, "it is a good opportunity, you should take it."

Bianca knew that, of course she thought maybe Itachi would be opposed.

He wasn't.

He was all for it in fact, something that bothered her a little more than she'd like to admit.

They argued barely but when they did it was quite dramatic. Itachi is closed off and Bianca is stubborn. She deeply cares for the male and he does so for her as well but that doesn't mean they don't get frustrated with each other.

"Why won't you just tell me?"

"I told you already! I'm fine!"

"You obviously aren't Itachi! Just talk to me!"

They worked through it by the end of the day, because they care for each other. Deeply. It would be crazy to say hey loved each other because really it feels as if they had only started dating but this deep connection between them... it was strong and unwilling to let go.

So that's why when Itachi told Bianca he was leaving her she lashed out.

"I'm going home." Bianca slid off the bed from where she sat and started to walk for the door when Itachis hand grabbed her wrist.

"Bianca y-"

"Let me go!" She yanked her arm back but his hold never loosened.

"Bianca, we can work through this okay?" He reached his other hand out to cup her face but she pulled away from his touch.

"No Itachi, just- JUST FUCKING LEAVE!" She yelled at the older male in front of her. Her eyes burned and the corners of her eyes pinched.

"I'm not leaving forever I-" he ran his hand through his loose locks of hair.

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