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Bianca huffed out a small sigh and slumped forward placing her forehead on Shikamarus soft shoulder. They stayed there for a moment just listening to the sounds of soft panting drift throughout the small room. She lifted herself up and let his now soft shaft slide out of her before she plopped own next to the equally drained male. Eventually he stood up and slid of the condom before tying it and tossing it into his trash can near the desk in his room. Bianca took a deep breathe in as her breathing steadied out and her eyes dropped close.


Bianca felt the bed tip down next to her as another body joined her.

"Yea." She spoke as she rolled her eyes back open to look at the male who was resting against the headboard in the same manner as her. He had a cigarette between his lips and lifted a lighter which she did NOT remember him having anywhere near them by the way. He light the smoke and took in a deep inhale before letting it out.

Bianca plucked the stick from Shikamarus soft lips and placed it between hers repeating the same motion as the male before handing it back to him.

She looked over at the male, "your lungs are going to turn black."

"So will yours." He pried on eye open and tilted his head towards Bianca.

"I only smoke when I'm with you."

Shikamaru smirked. "That is quite often."

Bianca grinned and playfully shoved him at the sly comment. "I guess so."

"You'll probably be seeing me a lot less though."

Bianca looked over at the male and quirked a brow, "why so?"

Shikamaru took another deep inhale from the cancer stick before using the tip of his thumb to crush it out.

"I think I'm starting to take interests in someone."

He turned his head and looked into Biancas amused face.

"Someone interests you more than me?" Bianca placed a hand on her bare chest and mocked hurt. "I thought we had something special Nara."

Shikamaru let out a small breathe of laughter and turned his head back forward towards his closed door. His loose dark locks curtained around his face blocking Biancas view.

"What's her name?"


Bianca stilled at that and stared at the male in disbelief.

"Gaaras sister?"

"You know her?"

"She would visit during Tech week and talk to Gaara and I backstage."

Shikamaru quirked a brow and looked into Biancas brown eyes. "You let her backstage?"

"I really didn't care and you know everyone's too afraid of Gaara to argue."

Shikamaru nodded in agreement. Gaara truly was a nice guy, he just took a bit of warming up. They had first met their first year of the Tech program. Believe it or not Sets had a few more students but through time people decided to switch to other crews. The two worked well together, Gaara never bothered Bianca and Bianca left Gaara his distance. They weren't strangers but they also wouldn't go as far as to call each other friends.

The duo sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before Bianca remembered something.

"So Choji and Karui huh?"

"I thought it was too good to be true."

"Believe me, so did I."

"She really likes him."

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