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After watching a few episodes of her favorite show, Bianca finally heard a knock on her door. She turned off the TV and stood up before walking to the entrance. She opened her door and there stood Itachi in all his glory. He wore a loose black button up shirt, the first couple popped open exposing his pale collarbone. His sleeves were neatly rolled up to his elbow. The bottom of his shirt was tucked into a pair of neat black jeans with a black belt looped around the waist. A silver watch wrapped around his lean wrist and rings hugged his slim fingers. His look was finished off with a pair of black and white converse along with his usual low ponytail and bangs. Biancas eyes couldn't help but linger at Itachis exposed neck.

His posture was straight as one hand was slid into the pocket of his jeans. His black eyes met Biancas brown before he spoke, "ready?"

"Yea." She grabbed her keys, phone, wallet and slid them into her jackets pocket. She closed the door behind her before walking through the buildings hall with Itachi.

"Where's Sasuke?" Bianca turned her head and glanced at the quiet male as they continued down the corridor before looking back forward.

"He is riding with Naruto."


"I hope that isn't a problem."

Biancas eyebrows shot up in slight panic, "what? No no of course not."

Itachi smirked and glanced at Bianca, "I'm only joking."

Bianca scoffed. "Asshole."

"You have the mouth of a sailor."

Bianca grinned as Itachi opened the door that led out to the schools parking lot. "I get told that a lot."

"I wouldn't have guessed."

"Don't be cheeky."

"I'm not."

"Yes you are." She followed Itachi to where a really nice-

"Holy shit!" Bianca snapped her head wide eyed from Itachi to the car that sat in front of her. "Is this yours?" She exclaimed as she took small steps around the car and held her hands above it as if too afraid she'd ruin it.

The corner of Itachis lip quirked up into a small smirk before it was schooled back to indifference. "Yes, it was a graduation gift from my mother."

"Fuck, can I have a graduation gift from your mom?"

The car was a sleek black Audi R8, the polish was so strong Bianca would see every detail on her face. The windows were tinted and clean. Everything about the car screamed money.

"Fuck can I even touch this thing?" Bianca furrowed her brows as she looked at the amused male across from her.

"Yes you can touch it." Itachi scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"I can't touch this."

"Oh but you can."

"Is this even real?"

"I promise you this is 100% reality." Itachi unlocked the car doors and slid into the sleek vehicle. He started the engine and when he noticed Bianca was still standing outside of it he rolled down the passenger window. "Are you getting in?"

"I can ride in it?" Biancas eyes widened and her jaw slacked.

"Well I'm picking you up aren't I?" Itachi shook his head and closed his door.

Bianca wrapped her fingers around the door handle and opened it before sliding in. She closed the door and took a deep inhale. She looked around the car and into the backseats admiring the interior work. The inside of his car was mostly black besides some of the red detailing on the leather seats. She ran her hands along the black dashboard in awe before slouching back into her seat and buckling in her safety belt.

UnfortunateEvents (Modern! ItachixOC)Where stories live. Discover now