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Okay so I need to get a few things straight.


Bianca- 22

Konoha 12- 22

Karui- 21

Itachi & his friends- 24

Setting: honestly wherever you want. If you want it to be in Japan it's In Japan, if you want it in California it's in California have at it.

Sakuras birthday is March 28th but I didn't think about that before I wrote the damn chapter so I'm switching it to like... August 28.
Currently in the story (chapter 7 "soccer" it is the beginning of October.)

I skipped over Christmas and Thanksgiving cus like, I said you can decide where you want this story to be placed and not everyone celebrates those holidays. A Halloween chapter will all just depend on how bored I am.

It is Itachis final year in college and Bianca has one more year.

Karui and Bianca are middle school  friends.

Biancas like ethnicity is like... idk I thought you could kinda choose what you think it is. I kept her description very vague. I asked a few of my friends and their answers varied. Honestly I just planned on her being POC, I wasn't really thinking on specifics. I'm sure by now you've all come up with an idea of what you think she looks like so I'm not gonna like suddenly add shit and change that picture.

"In case you haven't noticed, im weird. I'm a weirdo. I don't fit n and [dramatically closes eyes] and I don't want to fit in. Have you send me without this stupid hat on? That's weird."

Honestly none of those is important to the plot but like I GUESSSSS I can give u some background info,

She was put into the foster care system.
Never got adopted, became friends with Karui in middle school, got her first boyfriend her 3rd year of high school, they broke up senior year.

Bianca likes to read, paint, and never loses at Rock Paper Scissors. Idk don't ask.

She only wears silver colored jewelry.

Ever since she started hanging out with Shikamaru she grew a horrible obsession to flannels and ripped jeans.

Shikamaru had a small crush throughout their friendship. He still holds a small soft spot for her.

Alright, I wasn't planning on this story being this long at all. I honestly was just bored and decided to write a silly little thing. Even if this story doesn't get read by many people it was fun writing what is up so far.

Aight, I think that's it for now.

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