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Fern perched themself on the oldest couch in the shop-- they could still remember sitting there with Achilles and Riley to take pictures-- and hugged an old plush just a little bit tighter as Nine worked on setting up the movie. Despite it being their house, Nine was the only one of the two who had ever learned how to work the T.V.

Sapnap and Wilbur took one of the inflatable mattresses and Tubbo and Tommy took the other.   Nine wasn't planning on staying out in the shop for more than two movies, so she didn't bother stealing an actual spot. Fern was most likely to fall asleep first, anyways, and Nine wanted to make sure they weren't torturing the brits (and Sapnap) for no reason. Hence why she sat next to a perfectly upright Fern when the movie started.

"First one, I'm assuming?" Nine glanced back, running a hand through her hair as she fiddled with the remote. With a giant, giddy smile, Fern nodded back. "Cool. Last chance to chicken out, nerds. This' got heavy gore and it'll only get worse."

"I'm going to get drinks at the beginning of the third movie, though," Fern spoke up, hugging their plush a little tighter. "I don't like that trap."

"It's that bad?" Sapnap gawked. Fern and Nine tried their best not to laugh at the face he made.

"No, dumbass."

"I'm just not good with like- muscles and tendons and stuff? So that trap always triggers me a little and I can't really handle watching it," Fern shrugged, still completely giddy.

"Muscles?" Wilbur piped in, sat next to Sapnap on the inflatable mattress with his own plush. Fern had offered it to him-- to match, they'd explained, because he was like their brother and they wanted him to have it.

"Yeah, the trap is basically just that he's got rings piercing through his skin and stuff and some of them go through major muscle groups or even bones. He's gotta tear them off to escape the room," Fern shuddered, hugging the plush. "So I'll be getting drinks if I'm still awake, and anyone who'd like to not see that can join me. I'll just explain what plot we miss while we're downstairs."

Tommy and Sapnap nodded. "I'll join you in that," Sapnap muttered, fiddling with the blanket over him.

Fern furrowed their brows, glancing at them all. "Are you sure you want to watch this?" They asked. "We can go inside with Niki and Dream and watch something else, it's not-"

"Fern," Wilbur's voice cut through their rambling like a blade through water, drawing their eyes to his. "We're sure. I promise."

He's just trying to make you feel better, they thought. They don't like horror. You're forcing them to watch this-- they'll never forgive you for this.

Nine gently shoved them, clearing their throat.

"If that's all, we'll start?"

The group hummed, waiting for Fern's go ahead.

They smiled and took a deep breath, nodding quickly.

This was Saw. They would worry about everything else afterwards.


"That was fast," Wilbur muttered, glancing over at a passed out Fern. Nine snorted, shaking her head and pausing the movie. 

They hadn't even finished the first one.

"Welcome to what it's like trying to watch horror with this idiot," She shook her head, turning the lights up a little. "Do any of you want to keep watching?"

Every head in the room was quick to shake, practically screaming no in the silence.

"Cool," She laughed. "Then I'll go get the others. We've got the space."

She was right. Dream and Sapnap took the inflatable instead while Wilbur and Niki took the recliners. Markus layed on the couch opposite Fern's and Nine plopped down on top of him, burrying her face in his chest and soaking in the warmth.

Tommy eyed them funny.

"Are you two dating?"  He spoke quietly, glancing back at Fern.

"Gross," Nine groaned. "No."

"Nine's aromantic, Tommy," Markus chuckled, wrapping his arms around her. "And these two are like my siblings. It would be like dating my sister," Markus faked a gag, erupting into laughter.

"Ah," Tommy muttered. "What about you?"

"I'm straight," Markus smiled. "I'm the token straight, actually. It's fun-- I get to beat up the homophobes who shit on these idiots."

"You wouldn't have to if you'd just tell Fern," Nine muttered.

"I said beat up," Markus groaned. "Not murder."

"Speak of the devil," Wilbur glanced back at Fern, double checking that they were still asleep. "I've got an idea, but I don't know if it would really be good?"

Nine sat up, raising a brow at him. "Speak," She muttered.

"Fern's obviously not safe in this house-- after everything we've learned, you know, I'm worried about what'll happen when we leave. And I know you guys are here for them, but there's only so much you can do with their parents still in the picture."

Now it was Markus' turn to raise a brow.

"What are you suggesting, Soot?"

"A lawsuit, at the very least," He muttered, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know. You guys know them best, so let me know if this is a shit idea, but-- they deserve better than this."

Markus went silent, staring up at the ceiling.

"I'd be willing to take them in, should it go through," Dream spoke up. "I'd be more likely to get chosen than anyone else here. I've got the money and a house. Plus, Florida is a lot closer than the UK."

Wilbur nodded, waiting for the two to say something.

"I don't-"

"Markus, shut," Nine huffed, sitting upright fully and staring the boys down. "My cousin has been through hell, okay? They deserve so much more than this shit."

Nine sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"A lawsuit could probably be won. We've got proof and testaments and witnesses to abuse in this household. Should that go through, Fern would be up in the air. My family is a likely candidate, but I know my parents wouldn't take them in after a lawsuit. None of them would. Dream, you could probably win custody."

"So?" He looked hopeful. 

Dream and Fern weren't the closest in the group. Wilbur was like their brother, Tubbo was their childhood friend, Tommy was their age, but he cared about them. He'd do whatever he could to take care of them.

"I say it's worth a try," Nine huffed. "But if you think they're not visiting during the summer, you're fucked in the brain."

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