~No Rights~

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"Hello, chat!" Tommy yelled, smiling as wide as he could. The bags under his eyes told a different story, but they all prayed nobody in chat would comment on it. Fern averted their eyes from the laptop for a minute when those prayers didn't work.

"Hi!" Tubbo did the same as Tommy, fiddling with his hands and glancing at Fern behind the camera every few seconds. They shot him as good a grin as they could.

Niki and Sapnap waved, the same tired grins spread across both of their faces.

"So, this probably won't be a long stream," Tommy started, some of his facade falling as fatigue set in. "But we do have a couple important things to talk about."

"For starters," Niki smiled, holding out her hand to Fern. They extended theirs out to do the same, hand barely in view of the camera. "Moth and Dream are also here!"

"Hey, chat," Dream watched as they flew by on the laptop the group had set up. "We're okay, just tired."

Fern shook their head a little, giving everyone a pointed stare.

"So yeah," Tommy chuckled. "We met up."

"No, really?" Fern gasped, trying their best to play up their character. They didn't want anyone to worry. "I thought this was VR!"

"So you've seen Moth and Dream's faces? " Dream laughed, reading out the question. "Yes, chat, they've all seen what we look like."

"Literally against my will, might I add," Fern giggled. Dream smacked their good shoulder, grinning like an idiot.

"If you two are done being idiots," Sapnap rolled his eyes, but he still smiled like nothing could ever go wrong. "We've still got things to tell them."

"Right," Wilbur clapped his hands. "So, some of you have probably seen the things Moth posted about last night-- thanks for the warning, by the way," Fern laughed again, and Wilbur couldn't help but smile at it. "Yes, they have broken their arm, and no, none of us will be sharing what happened or what kind of legal stuff they're going through right now."

"Moth is faceless for a reason," Tubbo smiled. "Some things shouldn't be shared, and some things are entirely still up in the air."

"Rest assured, though," Sapnap cut in. "The legal stuff shouldn't be hard. It's pretty cut and dry."

"Moth finally snapped and killed someone," Fern giggled. Everyone had seemed to pick up on it-- they'd been giggling a lot since they'd woken up. "No, I didn't, sadly."

"Don't say sadly," Tommy snorted.

"It is!" Fern sat back a little in their seat, watching their friends with a content smile. "I mean, think about how cool it would be to known as the kid who murdered someone-- obviously for a good reason, though. It's not cool to just kill people. Don't do murder, kids," They snorted.

"Anyways," Niki coughed, trying not to laugh. "A couple of us will be mostly inactive because of said legal things, but I promise you we're all fine and checking up on each other."

"Every day," Wilbur nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. "This trip has been interesting."

"Where did you all meet up- they came to me as a surprise," Fern smiled, scrolling through chat now. They really couldn't hear much of what the group was saying.

Fern missed streaming.

"I'm not saying where we are right now," They said. "But maybe when this is all said and done I will."

"What?" Tubbo raised a brow.

Fern shrugged, sitting back a little. "Won't matter if they know should things go well, right?"

Dream rolled his eyes, grabbing the laptop from them and ignoring the noises of protest they made.

"I'm taking your chat rights," He laughed, looking up for just a moment to catch their look of pure betrayal.

"You're a monster." Dream shook his head, smiling back down at chat and ignoring Fern.

"The plot on the Dream SMP will go back to normal after all of this, and we're not saying there won't be smaller plot points while we're gone," Dream spoke quickly. Fern swore they could see the thoughts racing through his head. "Moth's story specifically will be on hold for a bit, and a big chunk of the main plot will follow suit."

"Which, again, nobody should be mad at Moth for," Niki spoke up, now staring straight into the camera. "This is because a few of us, specifically those very important in this next plot of lore, will be dealing with things. Moth may be in the center of it, but that does not mean it is 'their fault'."

"What Niki said," Tommy huffed, sitting back on the couch. "If any of you fuckers start shitting on Moth for this when it's out of their control completely, we're all blocking you. They're an amazing person and they don't deserve that."

"Aw," Fern cooed, putting their hands over their heart.

Even if they were acting snobbish about it, Tommy's words really did make them happy.

"Why the fuck do you have to ruin every compliment I give you?" Tommy groaned, but Fern could tell he was trying not to smile.

"It's what I'm best at," They giggled.

"I'd argue otherwise," Niki shrugged. Fern didn't have the energy to fight her on it, especially not while live in front of 200K people.

"I would not," Tommy raised his hand, holding back his laughter when Fern snorted. Tubbo shoved him a little and it became a full blown fight within seconds, Dream and Fern shielded behind the camera.

They would miss this, when everyone went home.

Especially if their home didn't change.

They said they wouldn't leave you here, They thought. But they might not have a choice.

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