~McDonald's Restroom~

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"Fern?" Niki knocked gently on their stall door, listening to their hyperventilating. "Can I come in?"

Stupid. Idiot. You're a fucking disaster.

They could hardly bring their hand up to unlock the door. It shook in the air, blurred in their vision. They couldn't tell if it was because of how fast it was moving or their tears.

"Hey, it's okay," Niki smiled, stepping in and crouching down in front of them. The stall was small; she had to have been uncomfortable.

Look at what you're doing to these people. They don't deserve it. You fucking attention whore. Can you just do something normal for once?

They were choking on the air, sobs bouncing against the walls and echoing back at them.

"Focus on your breath," She spoke softly, not taking her eyes off of them. "I locked the door; nobody else is going to come in. You're okay."

They wanted to collapse into her, to hug her, to feel something other than the cold of the room and the numbing of their limbs, but they couldn't move. Their mind refused to accept it; touch was bad. Touch was the worst. They knew this.

"I need you to breathe, okay?" They nodded, trying to do what she said.

He's wrong. You should've never told him. You're looking for it, honestly. Fucking attention whore.

"Can you look at me?" They shook their head quickly, still shaking violently. "Not even my hand?"

They paused. And then, they lifted their eyes from the cold tile floor and snagged them on her hand.

She held it up, palm facing them.

"Good, that's good," She smiled a little wider, moving her fingers just slightly.

Their eyes traced the small lines in her palm, taking extra interest in the spots where they intersected.

As they moved their attention, their breathing calmed. Niki let them sit, listening to their breathing slow more and more.

"They're going to be exhausted," She thought, watching their tired eyes move. "I hope Nine has a plan."

How can these indicate someone's future? They're just lines. Places where your skin met up and needed the extra space for movement. That's like saying fingerprints determine your soulmate.

When their shaking had all but stopped, Niki put her hand down. They jolted a little at the movement, breaking from their thoughts.

Quickly, they wiped their eyes free of any tears.


"Nine said that I need to remind you that Dim is, I think the word was bitch? Something along those lines," Fern snorted, the sound choked by their lack of breath.

"Yeah, he really is."

"How are you feeling?" She spoke quietly, a softness in her voice that Fern just wasn't used to.

"Fine, I'm fine," Their voice shook, and they still choked on the words, but they weren't lying. "You can go. I'm gonna fix my face real quick."

Niki nodded, standing up and helping Fern do the same.

They weren't much taller than her, but she definitely wasn't the same height as them. It felt weird, she was an adult. She was supposed to be taller. Adults were always taller.

"I'll be at the table, then," Fern nodded, watching her slip out first. "Take your time, okay? We're in no rush."

I am.

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