~moth_ Has Joined The Game~

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Moth perched themselves on the table in the broken Hto Dog van, surveying their surroundings.

Somewhere outside these walls, their house sat in the base of a hill. They'd chosen to keep it mostly hidden for privacy's sake. So far, only Tubbo knew it was there.

The election would start soon. Most everyone had gathered at the podium already, they could hear it from the van. The muffled voices flooded their ears like roaring water, drowning out every sensible thought they tried to throw out.

There was no doubt in their mind that Wilbur would win. He founded the country, after all. Everyone there loved him. He had to win.

But the edge of paranoia biting at their mind combined with the loudness of everyone there didn't exactly create what Moth considered a welcoming environment.

When Wilbur started announcing, they'd fly down. Take a seat next to Tubbo. He'd promised to save one for them, anyways.

They needed to stretch their wings. Flying wasn't allowed on the server before, and Dream had gone through a lot of trouble to make sure they could still use the wings they'd so graciously been given at birth. It would be a shame not to.

It had been an adjustment at first, sure. Nobody quite knew how to navigate them; they were big and fuzzy and at the middle ground between a bird's and a butterfly's. Wilbur had thought them a cloak at first given how they laid against Moth's back when folded up. His face had been the best thing ever; eyes growing wide and jaw dropping as their wings spread out behind them.

They'd met Wilbur over the few days they'd been there, too. He seemed nice enough, if not a little intense about the election. Every time he'd come around, Tommy was close behind. Moth'd been happy to take place as Tubbo's guard, even freeing him from the small box they'd stuck him in. He had to hold them back when they tried to attack the presidential candidate.

Tommy had yet to make a good impression, too. Off camera he was great, but Moth had no clue why he made a point to be so mean when live. Tubbo had assured that it was just for the joke, but they had yet to hear a comment from him that wouldn't actually hurt if misinterpreted.

The entire server was like that, though. It never ceased to amaze them how mean these people could be to each other. Even if they teased their friends, Fern would never do something like blowing up a house they worked hard on or killing one of their pets.

"Moth?" Tubbo's slightly muffled voice echoed, knuckles hitting the side of the Hto Dog van that still stood as he peeked in. Their eyes darted up from the floor they'd been fixated on for who knows how long, meeting his blankly. "Aren't you coming to watch the election?"

With a nod, they shoved themselves of the table and smiled at him as they stretched. "Of course." They said, wings spreading out fully behind them as their arms stretched out in front. "I guess I lost track of time."

Tubbo tilted his head, looking confusedly at them as they avoided his eyes. "Doing what?"

"Just thinking, is all." They shrugged, shutting down the conversation before it could start.

Thinking was a way to put it, they supposed. Wondering whether you even deserved to exist and pointing out every reason you shouldn't be allowed in your home was a bit heavier than that, but they were there to protect Tubbo. He didn't need that burden.

Not before the election, especially.

"Oh, do you want me to go?" Tubbo jumped a little, pointing behind him. "I'm sure Wilbur'll understand if you're not there super early, if that's-"

"It's fine, bubs. We can head down." They smiled, next to him before he even registered that they were talking and slinging their arm around his shoulders. "What do you say we take the fun route over?"

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