~When They Go Live😍~

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"Alright, hello everyone!" Fern said, letting themself relax into their seat. "Before we start, I should preface a few things. First, one of my friends and mods is sitting here with me. You might hear him occassionally, ignore it. He's a slut."

"Hey!" Markus yelped, listening to Fern snicker with a smile on his face. "You're calling me a slut but listen to Corpse when you never swear? I smell hypocrisy."

"'Tis simple admiration." Fern shrugged him off, shooting him a grin to make sure he knew it was just for the joke. "Also, the title is correct. We are in fact joining the Dream SMP today. Tubbo's gonna catch me up on the events because I have no clue what's happened."

Fern glanced at the chat, perking back up when Markus cleared his throat.

"Oh, right! Also, the guy I mentioned yesterday, Bee, has been found. Many of you probably know this from twitter, but I want to thank you all again for helping me find him."

Fern clapped, watching Minecraft load in.

"Anyways, let's do this. I'll call Tubbo while this loads and we'll get started."

He was waiting in the general call with two other people, so Fern joined and stayed silent. They didn't want to interrupt.

"Okay, it was a good fight." Tubbo chuckled, the other two in the call agreeing. One sounded much less pleased with the outcome. "GG's in the chat, everyone. GG."

"Anyways, I'm gonna go play among us now." The sadder one said, and Fern glanced over at Markus confused. He just shrugged. "Tubbo, are you gonna play?"

"Maybe in a bit, I've got to get to spawn."

The world generated around Fern, placing them in a box.


moth_ has joined the game.

Tubbo_: MOTH!!!

"Tubbo, I'm here." Fern chuckled, listening to Tubbo's loud gasp. "Where are you?"

"I am on my way." He said. "I am sorry, I was commentating Sapnap and Fundy's duel."

"I only know who one of those people are." Fern snorted, bursting into actual laughter when the other guy in the call started yelling.

"Yes! Suck it, Furry boy!" He screamed, practically blowing out Fern's ears. "The new kid knows me!"

"Don't flatter yourself, all I know is that you're in college and also friends with Dream." He grew silent as Tubbo started laughing, and then there was a beeping sound as he left the call.

"You've already scared him off." Tubbo chuckled.

"Good." They huffed, puffing out their chest. "Gotta assert dominance early on, you know?"

"Not at all, no." They snorted, glancing around the space.

"So where am I?" They changed the subject, unnoticed to them. "I don't see a way out."

"Do you see my nametag?" Fern hummed, locking eyes on the faint bar. "Walk towards that. There should be a hole in the walls that you can get through."

"Aye aye, captain." Fern mumbled. "You should also be fully aware that I have no clue what's happened on this server."

"But you knew I was with L'Manburg?"

"I looked up which one you were in when Sapnap asked." Fern chuckled, popping out of the ground next to him. "Oh, hi! Wow, your skin changed a lot."

"Mine did? Look at yours!" Tubbo chuckled. He was right, it was the exact opposite of what it'd been when they were ten. "Is your hair actually that color?"

"Not anymore. I dyed it, only the roots are black now." Fern ran a hand through their hair subconsciously as they talked. "I just keep forgetting to update my skin is all."

They crouched, looking around the area outside of spawn.

I'm so gonna get lost.

"So what is this L'Manburg?" They asked, starting to follow Tubbo back to the town.

"It's an independent nation. Wilbur made it so we could be free of Dream and his oppression." Tubbo said, stars practically shining in his voice.

"Right, oppression. I know a lot about that." Fern chuckled, grabbing seeds as they walked. Behind them, a small chicken empire was growing. "How were you guys oppressed?"

Tubbo was quiet for a second.

"He wouldn't let us sell drugs." They almost couldn't hear it, he spoke so quietly. Instead of laughing like he'd expected, though, Fern nodded sagely.

"Valid. Any leader who bans drugs is a tyrant. You did well."

"Moth, parents." Markus muttered, raising a brow at his friend. Fern waved him off.

"So he's not homophobic or anything, right? I probably should've asked beforehand." Fern chuckled, killing a pig.

"No, no, he's great!" Tubbo yelped, clearly caught off guard by the question. "There's actually a joke that he's dating his friend." He chuckled, trying to play off the nervousness.

"Oh, to be dating someone." Fern sighed, throwing the closest object at Markus when he snorted at them. It just so happened to be a kleenex box. "Markus, shut it."


"My friend." Fern groaned, turning back to their mic. "He's laughing at me because I'm lonely. Anyways, give me a run down on the history."

"Right, okay." Tubbo cleared his throat. "Basically Wilbur wanted to make a drug van, it's called the Hto Dog Van, but Dream and his friends said no and tried to tear it down. The Hto Dog Van kinda evolved into L'Manburg, a free place for the English separate from the SMP. Then a whole war started over it, Tommy lost his discs for our freedom, and now we're gonna have an election for President!"

Fern raised a brow, smirking.

"Am I allowed to be here?" They asked, eyes widening as they crossed a hill and saw some of the structures. "I'm not British."

"You're an exception. Don't worry, I talked to Wilbur." They hummed, following Tubbo down a wooden pathway. "Tommy's house is over here."

"Why is there a duck?" Fern deadpanned, attention focused solely on the giant cement duck across from Tommy's house.

"Oh, Bad made it to annoy Tommy."

That made no sense to Fern, but they said nothing about it. Tubbo continued the tour.

"This is where my house used to be."

"Used to?"

"Sapnap burnt it down." For some reason, that made Fern angry. It was just a fictional building and Tubbo seemed fine with it, so why should they be mad? "I built a new one really far away, though, so it's fine."

"You're so precious." Fern chuckled, shaking their head. "I'm deciding that my job here is to protect you."

"That's- you don't have to do that." Tubbo yelped, somewhere between a nervous laugh and gratitude.

"No, shush, I am now your personal bodyguard. Chat, shut up, I'm not a simp."

hi, okay, sorry i haven't updated this in a bit lmao. i've got one draft left and i'll probably post that this weekend, but after that updates will happen regularly every Sunday. sometimes there'll be extra uploads, but Sundays will be the bare minimum. thank you all so much for reading already, and i hope you have a very pog day/night!


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