~Confrontation Hurts~

461 40 3

TW// r*pe mention, abuse

They all agreed to stay the night again, specifically to protect Fern from Owen should he take things too far. They'd received a call-- their parents and little brother would be coming home the next day. The group had gotten a caseworker for Fern just as their family started back.

"Addison Neslon," Their mother yelled the second she was through the door, eyeing all of the people in her living room and how two of them were holding her shaking child's hands. "What the fuck is happening here?"

"Mom, I-"

"She's been whoring herself off, I think," Owen snickered from the island, scrolling through his phone.

"No, I have not," Fern took a deep breath. "All that happened was that my friends and I were hanging out and we came back to relax a little."

"Then why'd they stay the night?"

"Owen." Fern's mother cut him off, gesturing for them to answer anyways.

"They weren't originally going to, but-- they wanted to make sure I was okay since I knew you guys were going to get home and be pissed."

"So you knew that we'd be mad, but did it anyways?" She huffed. Behind her, the door opened again. Fern's dad walked in first, followed by their little brother. Both were carrying bags.

"No, I-"

"It was a surprise," Niki cut in, running her thumb along Fern's knuckles and feeling their hand shake in hers. "She-- didn't know we were going to come over," Niki choked on the word, but Fern would rather that than hear their parents scream about it again.

"Right," Their mom spoke slowly. "Where are you from?"

"Germany," Niki spoke softly. "I moved last year. We became friends beginning of this year."

"I haven't heard of you," Fern's mom raised a brow, glaring down at Niki. "I haven't heard of any of you, actually."

"I'm Clay," Dream stood up, extending a hand to her. "That's Nick, Toby, Tommy, and Will. I take it I don't need to introduce the other two?"

"No need to get snarky," She hissed, not even moving to shake his hand. "I've never heard any of your names."

"Probably because you don't really make it possible to talk about them," Fern muttered. She heard it, and so did their dad.

"You will not speak to your mother that way," He barked, coming back down the stairs from his bedroom. "We did not raise an ungrateful bitch."

Fern sat back in the seat, stomach rising to their throat. Dream cleared his throat, and Fern nodded quickly.

"You won't be raising them anymore."

"Excuse me?" Their mother's eyes bulged out while their father's narrowed.

"Fern-- not whatever you think their name is-- will be staying with us for the time being. We're suing you and getting them out of this place."

Of all the reactions Fern thought they might have, falling to the floor in a fit of tears was not one of them.

"You're not taking my girl!" She screamed, her husbands hand on her back as she sobbed.

"You're right, we're not," Sapnap stood up too, gesturing for the others to follow. "We're taking Fern. They haven't been yours for a while."

"You're not leaving this house with her," Ferns dad stood up the second they took a step for the door, glaring straight at Dream. "Owen, bring me the gun."

"That's illegal," Tommy cut in, crossing his arms over his chest, standing in front of Fern and blocking them from his view. "Shooting someone, I mean."

"You're kidnapping my child!" He shouted back.

"No, we're not," Dream yawned. "We've got legal permission to take them until the lawsuit is over. Fern-"

"Her fucking name is Addison," He growled.

Wilbur tskked, stepping towards the man.

Fern's dad was tall, they wouldn't claim otherwise, but even Wilbur towered over him.

"Their fucking name is Fern, and your son is a fucking rapist. You've managed to raise the worst kind of person. Proud?"

"Addi, honey," Their mom chimed in, looking up at them with tear-stained cheeks. "You're leaving us? After everything we've done for you-- we gave you a house, we fed you!"

"I didn't ask to be born," Fern snarled, finally taking a step forward. "You chose to have me. I do not have to thank you for providing the bare minimum to me. You had no choice but to."

"You'll never win in a legal battle," Their dad snarled. "You're kids."

"Kids?" Wilbur snorted. "That was a lie. Fern's idea, really, so you wouldn't fucking hurt them for having friends."

Owen came up and grabbed Fern's arm from behind, twisting it until they were stuck. Tubbo glanced back at his phone, propped up on the TV stand and recording everything Owen and his family did.

"Fucking-" He stopped talking for a moment when he heard a pop, letting go in a split second.

Fern screamed, falling to the ground and holding their arm to their chest. Niki fell with them, trying their best to keep them sheltered from something similar happening.

"Owen!" Their mom yelled. "Addi, would you-- shut up!"

"He might've just broken their arm and you're telling them to shut up?" Tommy roared, stepping between Fern and a shell-shocked Owen.

"She's being dramatic," Their dad snarled.

"Right, like they were when you popped their shoulder out of it's socket?" Wilbur snarled, kneeling down next to Fern.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for wanting my daughter to respect me--"

"That's not how you get respect!" Niki yelled, raising her voice for the first time. "Hurting someone-- that's not-- you're fucked!"

"You will not speak to me--" When he went to take a step forward, Dream stepped in front of him and cracked his knuckles.

"We're leaving," He snarled. "And we'll be seeing you in court."

"Tubbo, your--" Fern gasped out, trying their best not to cry.

"I've got it," Nine mumbled, grabbing Tubbo's phone off the TV and ending the recording.

"You didn't--" Owen's eyes got even wider, looking between the now empty TV stand and Tubbo's hands. "You?"

"We didn't think you would," Tommy bit. "But just in case. For evidence."

As the gears clicked in Fern's parents heads, they shuffled out to Markus' car and the one Dream had rented. Niki and Tubbo refused to leave Fern the entire way to the ER and had to be convinced when they left their side to get an X-ray.

Neither wanted to see them suffer anymore, and they were tired of seeing their parents get away with it.

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