~Math is Stupid and Also Painful~

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"Alright, first things first:" Fern cleared their throat, catching Tubbo's attention. He stopped building, standing patiently in front of their character. "You need to go to bed."


"Tubbo it is one in the morning there and you've been streaming for like six hours. You will go to bed." Tubbo huffed, but Fern could hear his smile. "You've got college tomorrow, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, but-" Tubbo cut himself off, already knowing Fern would untie any excuse he gave. With a loud groan, Tubbo turned around and started heading to Fern's enderchest. "Fine, but then you can only stream for an hour before signing off. You've got homework."

Fern snorted, prompting Markus to chime in.

"They don't do it anyways!" He yelled. Fern was glad their brother had church that night or one of their parents would've heard.

"He's not wrong." Fern shrugged it off, quietly sending their friend the stink eye.

"Moth," Tubbo had a warning tone in his voice, and Fern was glad to shrug it off.

"It's the ADHD Tubbo, I can't." Markus was fighting back his laughter, trying to stay silent. "It's- you see, like, I don't want to and my brain is like 'well if you don't like doing it then you're not gonna' so I can't even force it. You know?"

Tubbo tsked. They had no clue what that meant, and for a moment their heart stopped.

"Tubbo," A new voice said, scaring Fern so bad that they quite literally fell out of their chair. "Wh- what the fuck was that?"

"Probably Moth." Tubbo shrugged, continuing to sort through his things.

"Oh, that fucker." Tommy mumbled. "Why are you still awake?"

Fern clawed their way back to their desk, ignoring Markus as he violently shook in silent laughter.

"You- where the heck did you come from?!" Fern yelled, plopping back down in their seat. "At least announce your presence!"

"I don't have to announce shit." Tommy muttered. Fern gasped loudly, unable to see the smile on both boys' faces. "Tubbo, answer my question. It's one in the morning and you're still streaming."

Tubbo shrugged, closing the enderchest. "Moth joined the SMP so I stayed on to help them out."

"Don't worry Toms, I told him to go to bed." Fern chuckled, cracking their knuckles.

"Don't call me Toms. Toby, you've got college in the morning."

"I'll be fine." Both Tommy and Fern were quick to make disagreeing noises, Tubbo sighing when they did. "Fine, fine, I'll go. But you guys have to too, then."

"It's only seven for me." Fern chuckled.

"I was already going to sleep." His point was only proven by the yawn that almost interrupted him.

"Checkmate, bubs. Go to bed."

"Bubs?" Tommy scoffed, mouse hovering over the end call button. "That's a dumb nickname."

The noise of him leaving the call was lost amidst Fern's yelling and Tubbo's laughter.


Moth [@moth_]

officially deciding that i don't like @TommyInnit

-->TommyInnit [@TommyInnit]


-->Moth [@moth_]

@TommyInnit rude

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