Part 2

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RK was sitting on his chair smiling widely remembering

his crazy past. Madhu had now reached her cabin and

was sitting in her chair and smiling remembering the


--------------------------------- Flashback

Two people were fighting with all their heart in a

classroom. Students were gathered all around them.

Some were happy and hooting seeing them fight

bucking them up to fight more. Some were uninterested

as they felt it as everyday drama others were horrified

and still some trying to pull them away from each other.

But the two were busy fighting with each other and

pulling each other's hairs. At last they were pulled


RK shouted- " Keep off Malik!!! and thank your destiny

that I dont beat up girls"

Madhu- "I will show you who beats whom"

"Your tongue is longer than your height."

"YOU!" and Madhu pounced back on RK pushing the

others who were holding her.

Sultan, Trishna, Dipali and others wondered what

happened to them again.

15 mins back

Actually Madhu was sitting on a desk and working on a

piece of paper very intently as RK came inside and saw

her and stood behind her watching her do her work. He

bit his lip to stop himself from laughing seeing Madhu

do her work with so much focus.

RK- "You must add a mole"

Madhu is shocked- "Huh!!" as she looked back in fear.-

"Shut up! Its my drawing"

C'mon Madhu Prof. Baldso just scolded you for being

late. he was right. Dont be so mean to him." RK said as

he controlled his laughter.

"I am just venting out my frustration."

"with that horrible caricature of yours. I can see that."

"Yes.. He looks like this to me." Madhu said


RK stood there behind her as he saw Madhu drawing

on the paper. Madhu was getting irritated as she felt

RK standing behind her. Though he just stood their but

she knew he was laughing hard in his heart. She felt

irritated and angry at RK... he was getting on her

nerves now.

"Yes poor Prof. Baldso with all those horns and teeth

and that potbelly. I am telling you add a mole on his

cheek, he would look funnier."

"Kundru, this is my thing.. why are you soo irritating."

RK burst out laughing at last not able to control any

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