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Rishabh Kundra Weds Madhubala Malik

was the sign placed outside the big and luxurious

banquet hall.

Rishabh was standing with Sikky when he saw Madhu

coming down the stairs in her bridal attire. In the red

and silver lehanga she was looking so royal. RK

couldnt believe that this is his Malik whom he used to

irritate and argue and fight. He could feel all his

surroundings blurring out and only Madhu stood in

focus of his vision. She came to stand in front of him

and smiled, but he was lost in her. He couldnt believe

that how he could be so lucky as to have Madhu

standing there as his bride. He came out of his

thoughts when he felt her turning away from him.

Suddenly his heart got filled with fear and anguish. He

certainly didnt like Madhu turning away from him.

"Come on Bhai... Its time for the rituals... I hope you

are not planning to stand here and admire mam whole

day..." Rishabh realised that its time when Madhu

would be his forever and he enthusiastically proceeded



Madhu and RK were now standing on the stage and

greeting the guests as they one by one came forward to

bless the new couple.

" Ahmm... So may I stand with the beautiful lady " Ria

heard someone's voice from behind her and turned to

look at her.

" Of course.. You may" Riya smiled as she saw Sikky

standing behind her.

" ahh that smile... " Sikky said keeping his hand on his

chest making Riya blush with wide eyes.

" So.. How'd you like the preparations.. "

" Yeah quite impressive.. RK has really left me

speechless.. Though I doubted him at first... I felt his

choice would be too boring and Mature" Riya giggled at

the last sentence.

" well you were ofcourse right... It was me who came to

the rescue" Sikky said bowing his head slightly.

" AaHhh credit snatcher...! " Riya said teasingly.

" You know you must spend some time with me... I

would show my talents then..." Sikky says playfully as

if getting offended.

" Ohho... I like the confidence... We'll see Mr. Sikander


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