Part 15

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" That day when Malik came from work he was very

happy. Mohan ji had been a good friend and his

business partner for years by then. And that day also

they had met for some business meeting. but after the

meeting they were discussing family when the two

came to know that the other was searching a good

marriage proposal for their child. Yes, It had been an

year after your college ended and Malik had started to

search for some good proposals. And that day when he

came back he was utterly delighted" Padmini started to

narrate to them the events that occored 6 years back

which changed their lives.


" Padmini... you won't believe the news I got today"
Malik said as he came towards Padmini in fast pace.
"I know Malik... You got the deal finalised with
Kundra's" Padmini saud as she continued to dress the
cushions with new covers she had got.
"How do you know that...?" Malik said with an abruptly
confused expression
"Whats so unusual about it... Mohan ji has been your
old associate..." Padmini says as if stating the
" Ok fine.. but that's not the news..." Malik said getting
excited again.
" okay... then... what else" Padmini replies non
" I was talking to Mohan, and I came to know that he
has a son of marriageable age..." Malik says gettibg
"Oh my God... thats so embarrassing... you asked him
too... what must he be thinking and wwhy are you so
desperate..." Padmini gets anxious.
" Okay padmini... its not what you think... I didnt do
anything desperate or awkward this time." Malik
Padmini takes a breath of relief. "Oh... i got scared...
that you mustt have said something amiss in front of
him too... since the time you have started thinking of
Madhu's marriage... you have started asking stupid
questions to people.. I cant forget you were enquiring
about Chopra Ji's son from him the whole evening
without even realising that his son was just 12 year
old." Padmini says with a horrified expression while
rememberibg her husband's encounter with his
associate at an evening party.
"Granted that I misunderstood but that man... he didnt
even once mentioned about his son's age or class or
academics... he talked about him as if he was grown
up.. he was obsessed with his son..." Malik tries to
defend himself.
" He was?" Padmini raised an eyebrow at him.
"I am not obsessed with Madhu's marriage... okay
leave all that please listen to me atleast." He pleaded.
"Ohh haan... okay so what you were telling?"
"So... we were discussing about our families when
Mohan said that he wants to involve his son in his
business but he wants to get him at least engaged for
that because he wants that his son should atleast
develop the sense of responsiblity and that would only
happen if he would feel another life associated with his
own. And so I told him that even I am searching for a
good match for my daughter. He was delighted at that
and so was I. And we have decided to meet at Royal
Garden Restaurant tomorrow to discuss further about
this with our wives."
"Ohhh... Thats great... I will tell Madhu..."
"No no... wait... lets first talk among ourselves. Even
Mohan said that first let us get into this idea properly
only then would we involve the two..."
"But shouldnt she be knowing about it?" Padmini says
"Arey she would know... Tomorrow if everything goes
good we will arrange a meet for them."
" okay... as you say" Padmini smiles at her husband.
The next day Malik and Padmini were very excited
about their meeting with Kundra's. They reached the
restaurant and looked around. They saw Mohan and
Radha sitting at the table waiting for them.
They rushed to them. " I am so sorry Mohan.. I got
late... Actually Madhu was showering us with questions
as to where we are going.. when we will return and all
that" Malik says jokingly
Mohan laughs at this while Padmini pinches him. She
gets apprehensive as to what Madhu's future in-laws
might think of her.
They all settle down on the chairs. Radha and Padmini
smile at each other. After a while of talking and
discussing about their children. They were very happy.
Suddenly Padmini interrupted.
"Radhaji... I dont want to keep any misunderstanding,
Madhu is not the ideal bahu type of girl. She is too
much pampered by her father so kitchen works and all,
she is not very good at. But she will learn with time
and apart from that you will never have any complains
from her. She will love and respect all" Padmini said
with a lot of apprehension.
"And also a bit of a fighter... she is not able to tolerate
wrong things." Mohan added.
"Thats not at all a problem padmini ji... Madhu would
be like our daughter and as far as being a fighter is
concerned, the spoilt brat like Rishabh needs such a
girl." Radha laughs at that.
"Dont worry Padmini... Madhu will have no problem in
Mohan's family." Malik reassured.
"Yes Padmini ji... dont worry at all." Mohan assured.
After eating and talking for some more time. They
decided to part.
"I will talk to Rishabh tonight." Mohan tells Malik as
they were about to seperate.
"And I will talk to Madhu... " Malik responds. "We
should fix for their meet soon."
The two hugged each other while Radha and Padmini
held each other's hands. They were about to seperate
when an SUV car came there at a very high speed.
Before any of them could do anything the car hit Mohan
and Radha from behind. Malik tried to pull Mohan away
but he was hit by the car and fell at a distant and
Padmini too was thrown at a distant. After that
Padmini got unconscious.

Flashback ends

Rishabh and Madhu both were left stunned and

dumbstruck by padmini's recall of events.

"Everything happened so fast. God knows from where

that car appeared all of a sudden. The last thing I

remember was Radha ji and Mohan ji were covered with

blood and were unconscious. Tjat was the last time I

saw them. My eyes were searching for Malik but I

couldnt find him. After that I remember waking at the

hospital." Padmini said as tears flowed down her eyes.

Madhu moved forward and wiped the tears from her

mother's face. She turned to look at Rishabh, Rishabh

looked as if lost in another world. Padmini came close

to Rishabh and held him by the shoulder. "Rishabh... "

she called out to him.

Rishabh saw her and then he looked around him. Tears

started to form in his eyes. Padmini wiped his tears.

"Radhaji would never want you to be like that."

Madhu sat at a distance. Padmini knew that Madhu as

well as Rishabh, both needed some time alone as the

old scars got freshened up. She stood up to get water

for both of them.

When Padmini went away. Madhu took a sharp breath

to hold her tears inside. Rishabh shook back to senses

at the sound. He looked at Madhu who was now

looking at her feet in am attempt to control her tears

from breaking out. Rishabh realised that Madhu has

never let her emotions out infront of anyone, not even

her mother. He came to sit beside Madhu. She was

holdong her hands tightly and rubbing her nails

frantically. Rishabh saw this and held her hands.

Madhu looked up at him and saw his tear strained face.

Seeing him fresh tears started brimming in her eyes

which ultimately let them out. Rishabh bent forward

and kissed the tear on her cheek. Madhu suddenly

threw herself on his chest and held him tightly and

cried her heart out. She was trying to muffle her cries in

his chest. He also let his tears out and was patting her


Padmini stood at the door with water but decided not

yo interrupt them. Andwent away.

" Why did it happen to us RK...?" She said in between

her cries.

Rishabh had no answer to her and just held her close to



Rishabh woke up the next morning and found himself

sleeping on Madhu's lap while she laid on his back. He

remembered the happenings of last night. And also

remembered how Madhu had made him sleep all the

while caressing his hair. A smile crept his lips even in

so much pain. He stayed there as if to savour the

moments as much as possible.

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