Part 9

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It had been quite some time since Rishabh was in Madhu's cabin. Infact since the time Rishabh had cut the call of his client he had been with Madhu. He was excited to tell Madhu about the party and moreover because he thought that Madhu would accompany him to the party. Bittuji had been searching for him for quite sometime and had started to grow apprehensive about his Chief. Still searching for him he arrived at Madhu's cabin thinking that Chief might have told her something.

He opened the door and stood there with utter shock. He was knocked out of his senses. His strict and ever so serious Chief was sitting on the floor beside Madhubala on the chair, while they both were having the time of their lives... Rishabh was holding his hand up for a hi-fi and Madhu returned.

Rishabh felt somebody's presence and turned towards Bittuji and said-

" ohooo Bittuji... where have you been... do you know we have a party tomorrow" Rishabh said with a naughty smirk while Madhu laughed again remembering how the so called party was stuck on RK.

Bittuji got yet another shock. A party! And he is being told now. He has to do so much then.

"Chief Party... how... and why"

"well Mr. Batra had invited hinself to a party which i never knew that i was to throw... so now u see we have to throw it on ourselves... "

Bittuji nodded his head with a broad smile realizing the humour of the situation. "But Chief in that case I will have to be doing things... Sorry to say Chief but you should have informed me..."

"yeah Bittuji... for that I am sorry... but Malik is too talkative u see... " Rishabh said teasingly looking at Madhu with the corner of his eyes.

Madhu hit him on the shoulder. " Dont worry Bittuji... I will help you with that "

" you... how can you help... wont you have to get ready for 4-5 hours"

" ohh... Do you think I do that... I never did that "

" arey... you are a grown up now.. you should take time... after all you cant go to party with wrinkles on your face... "

Madhu's eyes widened in shock while Bittuji almost burst into a laughter but controlled himself.

Madhu turned to Bittuji sharply and then looked back narrowing her eyes at Rishabh... She said "remember what Dadi told me... I will get your ear pulled off Mr. Kundra... "

Rishabh smiled widely ear to ear. "Chief I was searching for as your car is waiting outside..."

" ohh is it time already"

"oh my God RK... I should be going now "

" come... i will drop you..."

" I will go RK..."

"you can go but I cant go alone... i am afraid you see "

Madhu looked at him smiling and nodded her head at him. They went off from there, while Rishabh dropped her at her home and turned back to his own.


The next day morning Rishabh was climbing down the stairs from his room for office.

"Looks like somebody is in a hurry..." came a voice from behind. Rishabh's expression changed... all his happiness and merry-making was turned down... He felt a rage of anger run through his spine. He clenched his fist and was about to move ahead ignoring the voice.

"I hear you organised a party for Batra..." He was interrupted again as he took another step, "thats great... were you really that desperate about a small project?" He said adding it with a sarcastic laugh.

Rishabh turned around to see right through into Balraj Kundra's eyes... " you are right I was that desperate..."

Balraj's looked at him with disgust... "You aren't even getting anything from that project... it was least important for you..."

"you are wrong Balraj " he raised his finger to his face... " I am getting satisfaction that yet again I made YOU... loose... Yet again you will be standing empty-handed... and yes the there is a party tonight... not for Batra but for you... for your destruction..." Rishabh said as he moved closer to him.

"You will get nothing in this Rishabh..."

" Dont take my name from that dirty mouth of yours... and what did you say... i wont get anything... you dont know Balraj... I get so much satisfaction seeing your downfall... seeing you loose everything bit by bit, everything for which you killed my parents..." Rishabh felt a lump in his throat while Balraj expressions changed to a harder one... "Do whatever you want Rishabh Kundra... You cant get them back... I sent them wayyy too far from you... my boy" he said smiling evilly at him as he knew that was the only way to shut him up.

Rishabh held his collar... "i will kill you... i will destroy you... "

Rishabh pushed him off, "You cant find peace ever in your life... I will not let that happen... I will not let you get away with this" Balraj shouted from behind while Rishabh walked out filled with anger.


Rishabh was now driving to his office in rage... how much he wanted to finish that man... how much he wanted to see him shattered the way he shattered his father's trust on him. Rishabh reached his office and sat in his cabin. Balraj's words were ringing in his ears 'You cant get them back'... He realised that he had a lot more to make Balraj come to his knees. He might be going through losses but getting him to accept his defeat was something Rishabh had to work on even more. He cant let anything in between him and his revenge. Balraj Kundra has to face the consequences of his own deeds.

His mind was running through all these thoughts when his eyes fell on Madhu, and he felt a strange tranquility. All his conflicts came to a rest and he started admiring her beauty. Madhu's presence around him made him feel eternally blissful.

Being with Madhu will make me feel light... away feom all this stress.. Madhu is the answer of all my questions... Do I love her? No... i just feel good when I am near her. But why... why is that so... why being around her makes me forget every sorrow my life has given me. Since the day she has entered in my life not once did I feel any insecurity... any loneliness.. I got a reason to wake up and come to office... so that I can see her... Be with her... make her smile... Isnt this supposed to be love? If I forget all my sorrows with just a glimpse of her... am I in love with her...? He was going through all these questions in his mind and something in the back of his mind told him that YES... YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH YOUR JUNGLI BILLI... He was thrilled he wanted to tell that to Madhu... He wanted to confess all his feelings for Madhu, he would be the most happiest person with Madhu around him and Madhu would be... wait... Madhu... I know being with Madhu I would be happy... But what about her... She has a blissful life... though she has a lot to weep over but still she lives her life head high facing everything... she is indeed a strong woman, a warrior... but who gave him the right to snatch away all that from her. He would be happy with Madhu but what would Madhu get in return... Sorrows... pain... another person to weep over... she has handled her life well... and she definitely deserves better in her life... better than him.. He remembered his encounter with Balraj... His words echoing in his mind 'You cant find peace ever in your life.. I will not let you get away with this...' and this time a pain filled his heart... No.. he cant pull Madhu into the pit that he was in... He cant be another emotional burden on her...

Madhu knows how to fight with life... she has lived beautifully all these years while he has just lived to die each day under the burden of deeds of his close ones. He cant pull Madhu into something that he was already stuck in.

And with that he decided that he wont let Madhu know about his feelings and would not let her enter his life. He would support her as a friend but never be burden on her.

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