Part 20

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The next day- In Kundra Mansion

Balraj enters his side bar to gave some leisure time

and finds Sikky sitting in his bar and drinking. He

looked rather angry and upset. What has happened to

Sikky now... and how dare he sit here and drink...

Balraj thought to himself.

"Do you know you shouldn't be drinking at least in front

of your father" Balraj says with a straight face.

"I might have apologised if I was in those senses..."

Sikky says still concentrating on his drink.

"You mustnt drink that much then..." Balraj says

glaring at his son's answer.

"Its not about the damn drink Dad... Have you ever

seen what condition your son is in... I am drunk with

fury" He replies with an angry face.

Balraj walks towards him and stands at a distance.

"Over what.   What happened to you...?"

"Thats the issue... you never seem to notice my

problems... you never seem to see my emotions..."

Sikky accuses him to which Balraj softens...

"Its nothing like that Sikky.. You are my son... How can

I be oblivious to you..."

"Oh really... You remember I am your son... great... I

thought that was long forgotten..."

"Why are you talking like that... What has come over

you... I am your father... Everything I do is for you..."

Balraj says as he tries to cool Sikky down.

"Hmmm... May be... but thats not enough... what you

do is not enough... can you see my situation..."

"But what happened son..."

"Bhai...!" Sikky said disgusted.

"Rishabh... What did he do...?" Balraj gets conscious


"What did he do... You need to ask me that... He is

ruining everything... Dad... I am alsoo running a

business... Damn I too have a social circle... Can you

even imagine how humiliating it is when people see me

as a damn looser and him as a role model... I work

hard for my company too... But damn... He goes

beyond everything and snatches away all the deals at

the last moment... With this progress Dad... we will

have to shut our business and sell popcorns on the

road." Sikky says as if warning Balraj.

Balraj feels Sikky is in the same turmoil which he is

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