Part 23

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The rest of the day went smoothly for all of them to let

the new developments sink in them. Rishabh felt

unusually merry. He had not felt this light in 7 years.

He kept on laughing and smiling with Dadi the whole

day. The weight on his heart had finally removed by

Balraj's arrest. He knew he wont let him come out at

any cost now.

Madhu was sitting onher bed now and was thinking of

the day's events. She had told Riya about Balraj's

arrest and she had felt equally happy. Riya came to her

room and sat down beside her on her bed.

"Di... Are you okayy?" She asked her as she could see

Madhu lost in thoughts.

" Of course I am fine" she replied to her smiling


Riya smiled back. "RK must be feeling so relieved."

" yeah right... Dont know what he wants to show me

tomorrow... " Madhu said wondering to herself.

"Show you what?"

" I dont know... he said that I need not come to office

tomorrow as he wants to show me something " Madhu

says with confusion.

"Oh my God.. He asked you out?" Riya gets excited.

" What??? He asked me out?? No... He just said that he

wants to show me something.. Thats it"

"Come on Di... Dont be so innocent.. He asked you on

a date..."

"but he didnt say to me that he wants to take me on a

date... " Madhu said confused tothe core

"Come ON!!! He wont be saying 'Come Madhu I am

takking you on a date...'"

" Do you think he might propose me?" Madhu said

getting one step forward, with widened eyes as she

thought of possibilities.

" Oops... You are too fast... but maybe... you never


" O my God... O my God... " Madhu gets excited like a


"Cool down Di... He will definitely change his mind if

he sees you behave like this..."

"Oops... you are right... Caaalm " Madhu says taking a

deep breath and holding herself down.

" O MY GOD!!" she shrieked in excitement as the

thought of RK proposing tto her came more strongly in

her calm mind.

"Control Di... you must sleep now.. or else you might

get dark circles..." Riya said as she walked out of the

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