Part 8

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Rishabh was sitting with his Dadi, who was massaging

his head. Rishabh was feeling restless. ' How should I

talk to her. Or should I even talk to her... I dont know

what Madhu thinks of all this. But whats the big deal in

just meeting... I have also met her family. But what

would Dadi think of all this.

Rishabh was fidgeting, he was rubbing his nails and

confusion was something evident on his face. The calm

and not so easily affected Rishabh was restless. Dadi

was feeling his uneasiness.

"Rishabh, Is everything okay?"

" Ammm yea... everything is good"

"Do you want to say something"

" No..." *pause* "Dadi... would you mind meeting

Madhu?" he blurted out.

Dadi giggled at him... "Is that all... I would be more

than happy to meet her... In fact I was thinking to ask

you that"

"ohhh great... thanks" Rishabh said feeling relaxed.

And he quickly walked out of the room wishing her

good night as if he had stayed there to ask her only

about Madhubala.

Dadi felt enlivened. At last she felt relaxed that Rishabh

is finding his happiness. He is moving on in his life.

Rishabh was excited not knowing why... He was

confused. Not wanting to even think that he could be in

love. He had never felt this way before, the excitement

to meet Madhu was increasing many fold with each

passing day but love was something far from him OR



Rishabh woke up rejuvenated. He called up Madhu as

he was not able to control himself from hearing her

voice any more...

" hey malik... wassup"

" ammm... nothing getting ready for office..." Madhu

wass happy to see Rishabh on caller id. she was more

than happy, she was thrilled but at the same time

confused why he called up in the morning.

Now... Rishabh was confused... 'why did I call her...?

ohhhooo what to say... hell... dis is so stupid of me...'

" Rishabh... everything okay? "

And this added spice to the curry all the more.

Rishabh's heart skipped a beat... he had never felt his

name this beautiful ever.

"Madhu.. I... I... I was thinking how about if I come to

pick you up " Rishabh said as he thought of some

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