Part 13

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Madhu entered her home. She found Padmini clearing
the table. "Ma.. you are home tonight... wow... Chhotu
went to stay with papa?"
"Yes beta... Riya didnt listen to me and sent me
home..." padmini smiled at her daughter "and she did
good... you should rest in between"
"How did you come home at this time..." Padmini
asked worried.
"wo ma.. RK came to drop me home" Madhu replied
assuring her mother.
Padmini felt relaxed. "And how was your party?" She
asked casually. Madhu remembered the events of the
evening. RK's song... Her questions.. Rishabh's
confession.. she was lost in thoughts.
Rishabh was still confused. Though Madhu had given
him some relief, but still he had a storm going on inside
him. He wanted never to tell Madhu of his feelings but
when Madhu accused him of playing with her, he
couldnt control. When he didnt want Madhu to know
that he loves her why he got so restless when Madhu
thought that he didnt love her. His tension was now
growing into frustration. He wanted to go to Madhu...
take her in his arms.. but he didnt want to be with her.
"Arey Madhu... where are you lost? is Everything okay
"Yes ma... everything is fine..." Madhu replied quickly.
But padmini felt the restlessness in her.
"Is there something you should tell me?" She asked
"No ma.. its nothing like that... you are thinking a bit
too much" Madhu smiled at her assuringly.
"Madhu.. i know beta i am not at all supporting for you
and Riya.. i am busy in other problems.. i am not able
to give you both enough time... and i am really sorry for
being a bad mom" she said guilty of herself.
"Its nothing like that ma... you are our inspiration... we
gain strength from you" Madhu sat down near her
mother's feet who was now sitting on the sofa.
"Madhu... please feel free to share your problems. I
maybe lost most of the times but I can always
understand when my daughters need me..." she
caressed her head.

Rishabh decided to talk to Dadi... he decided to tell her
everything and also his own situation that he dont want
to pain Madhu and cant be with her because of that. He
was getting restless and frustrated.

Madhu looked up at her mother. She was nervous. She
didnt know how to start.
"Is it related to RK?" Padmini asked her. Madhu looked
at her in shock. How does she know that...
Padmini laughed a little at her expression. "I told you
Madhu... I maybe busy with other problems but I am
never unaware of my daughters.. Now tell me what is
"Ma... what should I tell you... I myself dont know
anything... what is going on... how its going on this
way... I have no idea" Madhu said blurting out her

Rishabh entered his house and walked fastly towards
Dadi's room. Just then he heard a thud and turned
back. He saw Balraj standing at the door of his room.
He looked drunk. Rishabh looked at him in disgust and
turned back to Dadi's room.
"Again in a hurry..." he called out from behind. 'he had
to come at this time only...i was already so tensed..
now i will have to stand this man' Rishabh thought to
"Enjoyed the party...? Must have enjoyed my downfall."
Rishabh's lips broke into a wicked grin... he turned
back " u bet... i never had better time... planning for an
even bigger party.. Of your DESTRUCTION" Rishabh
grinned at him.

" Tell me what happened? Did he say something to
you? " Padmini asked her daughter politely.
"He said but still he didnt. He is so complex... and i am
not able to understand. I never felt weak in my life but
this thing is making me afraid. I dont want to loose him
ma..." She looked at her mother teary eyed.
"Dont worry Baby... you wont... but please tell me..
why are you afraid? Does he love somebody else?"
"No ma... not at all... he loves me but still he doesn't
love me.. It seems as if he loves me but he doesnt want
to love me... how is that possible ma... i have been
asking myself that but i am not getting an answer"

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