Part 17

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Rishabh entered the room which Padmini had told her

about and saw around. The room was beautiful and

cozy. There was a big window that allowed a lot of

sunlight in. He proceeded to the balcony that was open

and took in the fresh air. He was feeling home with

Madhu's fragrance all around. 'Its not Madhu's room

still it so smells of her... Her whole house screams of

her presence' Rishabh thought to himself.

Just then he heard a click and he turned around. He

was awestruck t the scene in front of him. Madhu came

out of the bathroom, her wet and curly hair fell on her

shoulders while she had a pink towel tied firmly at her

chest uptill her knees. She looked angelic. Her milky

arms and legs. And her face woth those curly strands

of hair falling over it... with each step she took Rishabh

felt mesmerised by her beauty. He had that intense

desire to suck in those drops of water that trickled

down her face and shoulders. Her lips seemed ever so

juicy. He had never seen Madhu like that. He loved her

but still hadnt thought of her like that. But now she

stood there in all her glory and just left him in awe.

Strange feelings startedto develop in his head and he

felt tinglings all through his body.

Just then Rishhabh realised Madhu's hand moving to

the tug of her towel. He realised that she was about to

take it off to get dressed. Though a larger part of him

wanted to stay where he was, he decided against it. He

coughed from the balcony while looking away. Madhu

jumped at the sound and held her towel tightly. Her

heart skipped a lot of beats as she realised Rishabh

standing there.

She couldnt speak a word. Though even if she wanted

to she didnt know where her voice had eloped to. She

wished she could have eloped with it too.

Rishabh decided to end the awkward silence "I am sorry

Madhu... I think I misunderstood Padmini aunty and

entered the wrong room... "

He quickly walked past Madhu and almost ran out of

the door. He entered the room opposite to the previous

room not knowing where to go. And moreover he

thought that this must be the room that Padmini told

him about. He ran his hand through his hair as he

remembered what just happened. His breath was

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