Part 4

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"I know!! His smile is mesmerising... Always!!" Madhu

says almost lost in his smile not knowing that she was

almost drooling over him in front of Bittuji.

"No Miss Malik. I mean to say that I have never seen

him smile like that." Bittuji told her breaking her


"WHAT!! " Madhu said with a sharp turn shocked " I

think you dont see him ever" Madhu says convinced

putting up a stern face. "Its his signature smile."

"No Miss Malik since I've been with chief he has never

smiled that way, even when he did his eyes always

betrayed his lips."

"Uhhh ammm wha..." Madhu didnt know what to say.

She was confused.

"If you dont mind... May I ask you how you know Chief

that well... He also seems so ummm friendly with you"

he said the last sentence feeling absurd... Chief being

friendly... that never happened before.

"Wo actually Bittuji... We were in college together...

batchmates actually..." she said still lost in thoughts.

"Ohh you are Chief's friend" Bittuji said with a delight

and feeling happy for his Chief.

Friends... Madhu thought to herself... Friends?? Were

they really??

"Well Miss Malik let me show you what you have to

do." Bittuji interrupts her and explains her about

company policies and other details that Madhu needed

to know. And then Bittuji went away.

Madhu gets lost in thoughts she remembers her golden

old days.-


RK entered the class and stood in front of the board

hurriedly- "Passengers may I have your attention

please Rajdhani se bhi tez Dhawan express is arriving

on our platform. Teng ting teng"

As the students looked at him confused Just then Prof.

Dhawan entered the class in his usual fast gait. "Ok

students take your seat."

The class started and RK genuinely tried to concentrate

on the lecture. After sometime RK started to feel

sleepy... as the class progressed he started to get

restless until 30 minutes later he started biting his

nails. Madhu was watching all this and she broke into

a giggle seeing him bite his nails. According to her

observing RK was the best way to pass time during a

boring class. His gradual change of attitude was so

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