Part 10

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While Rishabh was busy in his own series of thoughts and his determination for hiding his feelings from Madhu, Madhu on the other hand was also thinking of the new developments her life has faced since the last few weeks. Rishabh's entry in her life. She remembered the first day she met him after 7 years and Rishabh's shock seeing her. How disgusted she had felt on the thought that she would have to work as his subordinate but now she cherishes her work, beacause she gets to stay near him. Madhu giggled at the thought. He is still that innocent boy who used to bite his nails while in class... the one she used to look at the whole lecture or 'admire' as said by Sultan... ' I wonder what would Sultan have said if he saw me now, the way I just want to admire him the whole day. Whenever he works on his laptop, or his files he looks so sweet.

And since the day he came in our life, things have improved so much... Ma... Ma laughed after so many years. I cant remember when I saw her laugh that heartily the last time. Chhotu has got her vigour back. The naughtiness in her eyes.. she laughed thinking of her. 'Madhu... do you love her...? She remembered the last day when she was asking God if she loves him and RK entered her room as if an answer to her prayers. She squeeled in excitement.. I love him.. Ohh my God... I love RK... THE RK... behind whom all the girls of college used to run... though I hated him and more than him I hated them. But why I hated them, was I really jealous of them? Ooo I loved him since then? Whatever it might be... I love him and I know that... and I will tell him. But what if he refuses me... Would that effect us... our friendship? But I cant let this fear come in between me and my love. I dont know all that, I should tell him and that's for sure.

Just then Rishabh entered her cabin with a file.

"Hey Malik... I have got this Batra's file... check it later on... "

" ohh okay RK... by the way I wanted to talk to you..." She decided to tell him soon so that she would not get nervous thinking over it later on..

" I dont want to hear anything... Why are you not going home... Dont you want to get ready for the evening... "

" yes I will go home soon... but RK listen to me "

"again... stubborn as always... say... "

Madhu took a deep breath. Okay c'mon Madhu... just say it... she closed her eyes and opened her mouth- " RK... I know this might be something unexpected for you... and I dont know what you might think about all this... but I know I have to tell this to you "

Rishabh all this time admired her innocent beauty... with her eyes closed and a nervous face she looked like an angel. He wanted to kiss her that very moment but he knew he couldnt. He stared at her with pain in his eyes. While Madhu continued- " I dont want to regret that I was never able to tell you... I dont know how to say this... I... I... RK... I love you... I love you a lot... I want to be close to you... I realised that I want to be with you... always and forever..."

Rishabh's world came to a stop... He looked at her, stared her... He loved her even more at that moment... He wanted to grab her in his arms. He moved a bit closer to her and put his hand forward in an attempt to touch her face. But just before he was about to touch her he realised what just happened. No... I cant do this to Madhu... No... I can never let her know about all this. He felt as if somebody placed a rock on his heart. He remembered Balraj and his enmity. He knew he could not come out of that so easily maybe all his life. He knew he cant let Madhu suffer because of him.

Madhu was waiting for RK to say something with her eyes closed.. To reply something to her confession. She took a deep breath and decided to open her eyes and look at him. She opened one eyelid to look for RK and opened her eyes in shock. What... RK is not here. Where is he... But he was here... How can he do that.. This is so rude, its not a joke. But he was here when I told him right. Or I dont know my eyes were closed. She jerked her hands in irritation.

She looked around to search for him and saw him sitting in his cabin working on his laptop as if nothing happened. She got confused. How is that possible.. He was here right... Madhu was enraged at RK's behaviour and she wanted explanation.

RK was doing some work busy in his laptop. Madhu dashed in his cabin.

"hey Malik... howz everything? "

"RK... Why did you came back from my cabin like that? "

"Me.. your cabin.. when? " Rishabh said confused.

" Just now... " Madhu replied angrily.

"but I didnt come to your cabin " Rishabh said utterly confused but then suddenly he leaned back on his chair and smirked back at her " oohhh Malik... dreaming about me?... Ahaannn..."

Madhu was confused and embarrased at this.. " but you came... ahhmmm"

Madhu was confused, Utterly confused.

"relax Madhu... It happens... Girls around me often dream about me being with them... its absolutely normal... " Rishabh said naughtily.

Madhu frowned at him... and made a face at him imitating his own. Rishabh laughed at her.

" Malik go home and rest... you need rest... you are just worked up... and get ready we have a surprise party tonight..." Rishabh reminded her.

Madhu turned around and went back confused. " Madhu... I will come to pick you up.." Rishabh interrupted her as she was going out.

Madhu turned back and smiled at him... and went out.

Rishabh smiled at her and sat on the chair wondering about her

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