Part 16

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Rishabh woke up the next morning and found himself

sleeping on Madhu's lap while she laid on his back. He

remembered the happenings of last night. And also

remembered how Madhu had made him sleep all the

while caressing his hair. A smile crept his lips even in

so much pain. He stayed there as if to savour the

moments as much as possible.

After some time Madhu woke up. She got shocked on

seeing Rishabh in her lap. She remembered the last

nights events and a pain filled her heart. She saw him

on her lap sleeping innocently like a child. But that was

what she thought. He was awake but was just lying on

her lap both not to wake her up and feel her closeness.

She caressed his hair and Rishabh felt heaven all

around him but he didnt move. He knew if he woke up

Madhu would at once move away. Madhu on the other

hand believed Rishabh to be purely innocent in this

situation who was sleeping and doesnt know that he

was on her lap. Madhu was admiring him and went

ahead to kiss his forehead. Now that was a surprise to

Rishabh. He felt a lightening run all through his spine.

But then he decided to not move or show that he is

awake thinking what Madhu might do further. He

himself didnt know what else was he expecting from


To his disappointment Madhu had decided to get up.

Shhe thought to get away from that position before

Rishabh would wake up and feel awkward at that. Little

did she know that he was wide awake waiting for her to

continue with her sweet surprises. Madhu tried to move

him away from her lap but he had other plans. He put

his weight even more which made it difficult for her to

lift his head. She felt an awkwardness as to why

Rishabh's head felt so heavy but didnt get into thinking

too much into it.

Rishabh on the other hand enjoyed her struggling to get

out of his weight. He couldnt help but smile.

Madhu saw him smiling and the reality struck her. Her

jaw dropped in surprise. She started hitting him. "Get

up you foolish Kundru... Get up"

"Ammm... sone do na Madhu" And Rishabh snuggled

even more into her lap.

Madhu was exasperated at that. And then she frowned

at him. "Mr. Rishabh Kundra... You are not on your

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