Part 12

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Madhu was sitting on a chair in a secluded corner now.

She was staring blankly at the floor. She was not

dejected but she wanted to get things straight in her

mind. She had been a stratight forward girl... she had

dealt with everything all situations but only when

things were clear and clean in fromt of her. But this

kind of situation which seemed so obvious in front of

her yet it was not there. Rishabh said her not to love

him but how he knows I love him. Or whether that song

was really a message to her or was it just nothing. Just

another song and meant nothing. What should she

believe- that what was there in the eyesight or what

she really felt was going on. How could she confront

him when she has absolutely no idea whether what je

said just now was something meaningful or just an

entertainment. But it looked as if he wants to talk to

me. His eyes were so sorrowful and capturing.

Rishabh was observing her from a distance. He hated

himself for what Madhu was going through. It was all

because of him. He couldnt understand what he should

do to calm her down.

Madhu stood up determined and walked out of the hall.

Rishabh turned to her side to see her but found her

absent. He felt agitated and he stood up with a jerk and

turned his head all around to look for Madhu. He saw

her walk out of the door. He followed Madhu who was

now walking out of the building. He ran to her..

"Madhu... Madhu... " He called out to her as he came

close to her.

Madhu stopped hearing his voice but didnt turn back.

She had a determined face.

" Going somewhere?"

"You were there right? " Madhu said without turning to

him. Her voice denoted a strom that was going in her


Rishabh was confused what she was talking about

exactly.. " I was where Madhu... I cant understand." he

said politely.

"In my cabin in the afternoon... when i said I " She

stopped midway. Her voice was growing heavier

because of the pain as she controlled herself from

breaking down.

Rishabh stood there dumbstruck. He didnt know what

to say. All this ehile he was trying to convince her not

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