Shes being.... difficult

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Toga slowly opens the door to the dark room. My Chemical Romance posters line the walls. A pile of hair products with scattered containers of eye liner litter the small dresser-top to the side.

Black out curtains block the mid afternoon light coming through the already thin window, seeing as its mostly underground.

Dabi is passed out on a mattress frame in his room. The mattress is to the side but hes too extra to try to sleep like a human so he's crashed on a wire frame. He was up till dawn doing... Something? Nobody told him to stand guard or go on a mission. But he acted like he was supposed to and nobody questioned him.

Our (debatably) favorite teen serial killer tip toes inside with a few sharpies and some whip cream. The plan was to put the whip cream on his hand and watch him slap himself. But his hands under his head. So she'll have to make do.

She gives a thumbs up to mustard in the doorway as she slips on a gas mask. They wouldn't want him waking up.

Mustards quirk: Gas. He can recreate any gas as long as hes breathed it at some point in his life. He is not immune to it though, and he can't make a lot without lowering his connective abilities.

Mustard floats a sleeping gas into the room as Toga quickly does her task. When she leaves, the emo has bright green over his scars, a squiggly unibrow, flowers across his cheeks and has every awkward samsung emoji drawn onto his leg. Then, finally, she added a while canister of premade whipped cream onto his head, mixed in his hair. The cream turned a bit gray but the young teens thought nothing of it.

Laughing softly, they both leave the room and close the door, window ajar to let out the gas.

Once in the hall, they both fall over laughing. Twice walks by and stops in front of them.

"What are you doing?I don't care!" He asks them. Toga just points to the room. He peeks inside and lets out a single loud "HA" Before closing the door. And soon they're all laughing again.

Kurogiri calls them all to the bar table for apple slices and they file out to find their snacks. No questions were asked about the laughter nor Dabis absence.

"Lets do Shiggy next." Mustard whispers and the other two nod, grinning. At least twice LOOKS like he's grinning. Its hard to tell sometimes with the mask.

"What did you three do?" Spinner asks, sitting down with a ginger ale and a wrapped sandwich. They ignore him. Then Toga jumps up from her chair and skips over to the mini fridge. She flings the door open and promptly freezes.

"WHO IN THE NAME OF CHOCOLATE FROM MADAGASCAR STOLE MY CARAMEL APPLE????" She screams, just as Shigiraki walks in with an apple peel on a stick. He freezes, eyes wide. His mouth open in a mixture of shock and regret. His fathers hand has been discarded because he heard COVID is mainly spread by unwashed hands. So its sitting in a box with the others, and his completely visible.

The entire room slowly turns to him as he takes a step backwards. The only sound is Spinner slurping down the last of his ginger ale and Togas heavy breathing.

Toga lets lose like a Berserker from ancient Viking times, spinning while throwing knifes and running at her enemy all at the same time.

Luckily, Kurogiri steps in before anyone was stabbed or disintegrated.  Mustard stepped in rather quickly with his quirk and put them both to sleep.

Meanwhile Spinner begins to unpack his precious sandwich. Twice is rooting around the mini fridge, and compress walks into the room with a paper list.

Kurogiri warped both Toga and Tomura back to their rooms while compress got his jacket to go to the store.

"A few carmel apples, and some pads while you're out?" Magne asks Compress from the doorway. Everyone except Kurogiri jumped because they didn't see her.

"Yes, that would be wise. She's going through that... Time. And it explains why she's being so.... difficult. More so than usual." Kurogiri says, pulling a knife out of Spinners sandwich. Spinner stares at in in shock but then reconsiders the sandwich and promptly takes a bite out of it.

"So shes............ On her....  Girl thingy?" Mustard asks, a bit uncomfortable with the topic.

"Do you have to ask? I know I sure did!" Twice proclaims.

Compress leaves on his mission to the store while the rest conjure up some chocolate. When compress got back, they had a pretty impressive pile going. 6 chocolate bars, an assortment of small chocolates, a half used vox of tissues, Shigirakis personal WiFi password that Kurogiri keeps for him, a slice of cold Pizza, a box of pads and some pop-star blood they were saving for her birthday next August.

Then the time came to draw straws. The one with the shortest straw might not make it back, but they have to deliver it personally. Mustard held back a cry in horror when he drew the shortest straw.

"If I die, don't tell my mom. I'd be so grounded!" He says, trying to lighten the mood and partially serious.

"Good luck! You're so dead! No you're not! Yes you are!"

"Wouldn't want to be you right now."

"Im sorry my dear boy."

"You'll be fine sweetie."

"I think its foolish to make such a deal of this."

They all said their bits to him as he began to tip toe to togas room. He balances the tray on a lifted knee and knocks softly. He gulps as he hears noises inside and grasps the tray firmly in two hands.

"Toga? I- I have chocolate. And Carmel apples. And Pizza..? please don't kill me" He said the last bit in a whisper. The door slowly creeps open.....

"I WAS SO MEAN I'M SORRYYYYYY!" She sobs, falling against him and he almost drops the offering/present. He awkwardly pats her back, not knowing what to do.

"Its ok.... Here" he practically shoves the tray into her hands.

She starts sobbing more.

"I DON'T DESERVE YOU GUYSSSSSS" she wails. A few more awkward hugs and then she retreats into her room. The boys and Magne all wait in the bar. Dabis still asleep. Eventually Tomura comes out to join the others. Finally, Toga does too.

"I'm sorry for trying to stab you Handyman. And for yelling at you. And for putting a knife in your sandwich, Iguchi. And for switching your pills with fun dip, Jin. And for licking all the clean glasses. And for lighting the toilet on fire. And for the hole in the wall. And for trying to stab you, big sis Magne. And for- wait. Where is Dabi?" She stops. Then looks to Mustard and Twice with a wicked grin.

Then they heard Dabi scream.


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