So. Now What?

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Mustard walks into the LoV base to find that it has been COMPLETELY baby proofed. Covers over every sharp corner, locks on all cabinets, knifes wrapped in bubble wrap, all alcohol put high above the reach of children, and there are toys EVERYWHERE.

All things considered, this isn't exactly new. Twice kept running into sharp edges so they've had the covers on for a while. Dabi will drink anything he finds in the cupboards, which is a problem since it's not just alcohol,  there's also clearing products. So the locks aren't new either. Toga and Spinner have a bubble rap collection going (don't ask) so its not too surprising to find that. As for the toys, Shiggy has the maturity level of a 6 year old so this isn't new either.

But there's a new feel the the League of Villains base.  A happiness in the air. From a child. Not a childish person, they have one of those. Not a teen, they have those too. A little kid

Suddenly Mustard could hear a commotion and then some yelling from the rec room. Which is also the armory. And the living room. And the take-people-who-know-too-much-to-go-die room, also known as the Anti-living room.

He runs back to see whats going on and finds 6 people crowded around the 60 inch TV they stole last week, all playing on consoles. Shigiraki and Spinner were there of course.  As well as Toga, Magne, and Twice. But who's that in the front?

It's Eri, of course. They brought her back and found out she can't smile. So the last three days have had two goals. Figure out her quirk, and make her smile. They've sorta figured out her quirk.  Not so much how to make her smile. Not cartoons,  not candy, not revenge, not fire, not magic tricks, not blood, not long boring political speeches, not dress up, and apparently not video games.

That's why Mustard is here today,  in fact. He used to volunteer at a day care that doubled as therapy for abused children in foster care. He came up with a plan and now he, Magne, and Toga will go through with it. They have a budget but if need be they can... aquire more money.

Toga pulled Eri away while Magne grabbed her purse with a big blue, pink, and white stripped pin on the strap. The three girls joined Mustard at the doorway. Nobody at the screen even noticed.

They waved goodbye to Kurogiri and they were off. Dabi met them part-way with the money.

"Buy what you need. If you need more cash, call me." He huffs and hands over a briefcase to magne. Then Crusty. McFlakey 2.0 left to play Smash Bros with the rest of the League.

They put on masks and walk to the nearest shopping district.

Eri apparently has never been shopping either.

At first it was hard to get started but they soon were on the right track. They bought her a twin sized bed with an iron frame painted white. They picked up some paint too. Her favorite color is red but they went with a light pink for her walls. The room they have for her has a hard, cement floor with no carpet or tiles or wood over it so they also bought cream colored carpet to install. They got a bright red and white bed set and right around then Eri began indulging herself.

She picked out 8 VERY fluffy pillows and a few funny shaped ones too. Next they bought her a nice oak wardrobe and dresser set with a red trim. She picked out posters with puppies and kittens. They got some long, flowy white curtains for the tiny window. Then she chose a million glow in the dark stars, planets and comets for her ceiling.

By the time they left the store, she seemed happy but still wasn't smiling.  That's alright,  they had two stops left. They called Kurogiri and sent all of their purchases back to the base.

Next stop, the toy store.

Have you ever seen those videos where someone eats a lot of sugar and their eyes go big to the pint where they look like Mort from Madagascar? (Also. I looked up "Creepy guy from Madagascarmovies" and it knew EXACTLY who I was talking about.)

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