Good deeds

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I don't know how it happened. Nor why. But it did.

Mustards Mother found out he was sneaking out. Sneaking around. And making new friends.

When she confronted him, sge took it surprisingly well. He soon relized she didn't know he was hanging around with villains. He planned to keep it that way but she informed him she'd be having her friend who is a private investigator investigate them for about a month.

Of course she didn't directly tell him. But she told a friend of hers while on the phone and he overheard so close enough.

He naturally face timed Toga in an instant to explain the plan. It was easy peasy. Mamagiri would make easily tradable backgrounds for each of them while everyone else would act like a good person for a few weeks. Theres no way it'd backfire, right?


Well they definitely try

Mr. Compress took the first steps towards trying. He goes to the grocery store with Magne on Tuesday. He tries to help people carry their bags but everyone freaks out, except this one old lady that laughs all the way to her apartment because Compress wouldn't stop doing magic tricks. She even ask if he can perform on her grandson's birthday party. He gladly accepted, then realized he forgot Magne at the store. While he was gone, Magne found the PERFECT job for her.

Twice was scouting out the competition in the bar business. Mainly family friendly ones. He found one that sells lemonade almost as good as the Leagues but at half the price and decifdes he'll sabotage it. But nicely. He soon finds himself lost in the roll and is defending young people in the bar he goes to, scaring old freaks. The kids at first are scared too, but soon they're all friendly and calling him "uncle Jim" and he's like, the cool adult. He gets invited at least once a week and he's glowing with joy. He's found another family!

Toga absolutely tried. But probably caused more harm than good. She just started gifting knives to every girl at UA that she want to be friends with. A few liked it, for self defense and suck. Especially from the Hero course and a nice hirl with pink hair from support. But she was almost arrested 8 times for trying to drag young girls into back alleys while holding a knife so it wasn't exactly a win. But it made her happy, and in her mind she made some friends.

Dabi becoming a chef in a tiny restaurant and specialized in flabe. It was working alright but then he over did it and his hair caught on fire and in the confusion, quite a bit of his skarred flesh flaked into food. It was all takeout because of COVID so nobody ate it and almost nobody saw it but it still didn't end well for him. He ended up being a good person by making a sizable donation to a charity that helps children from abused homes be adopted. Then he fell under and off the grid in search of something.

Of course, Magnes nob was working at a beauty saloon and everytime a queer kid is unsure about their new look or hair style or whatever, they end up in Magne's chair. She helped anyone who was questioning or transitioning, and helped adults too. If the client had soubts, they get some hot chocolate, they got cookies, they got their new look after all the time they needed, and a long talk about how worthy and valid they are no matter what they decided. They end up crying every time and Magne needs to remind them to look up because no-no, they're not ruining that make-up. Society can go to hell. But no need to make your maskara run. Kurogiri gave her a swear pass from the swear jar when she was at work.

It took a while, but finally we got Spinner at social service helping people with animalistic quirks find a home where they feel safe and sound. He drives people around and chats with them until they feel safe enough to start talking about their issues. Spinner every times does his best to find them the better place possible. And he's a popular guy. Until he also got layed off for 'No experience' and 'Murder' although they had no proof he killed that dude. And he did say everyone with an animal quirk should be killed in the streets and neutered like the beasts they are. In front the Tsufamily, all of which were frogs he was trying to place too, mind you. The next suspect was a 16 year old girl with big dreams who already had been through enough when they all lost their home due to the Pandemic. So he took the blame and quit/retired.

Now Hands on Crusty McDusty had a hard time trying to better society but even he cared enough about their family to try. Eventually, Shigaraki ended up creating a podcast where he talks about anything and nothing. He sometimes says pretty motivational stuff, the type that stops someone from going insane, the type that keeps people alive. The amount of people that seek him for comfort can be overwhelming. People don't know why he does it, they know he's a villain, they know he is dangerous, but what he says... It speaks to them in a way nothing else can. It's so real, the feelings in his voice... The younger generations love him. They probably wouldn't quite as much if they knew why he was doing it, to stop a friend from being grounded. But it definitely worked.

Mustard helped them all out where he could. He helped locate people in need and available locations for Spinner. He swept up hair for Magne and did almost constant errands for her to make sure she had full stalk on all products and dyes. He coached Twice on teenager talk so he could hang with his new friends and with exercises to help overcome anxiety and they actually worked most of the time! He delivered food for Dabi for a while. His favorite of all was probably helping with magic shows for kids. And he helped Toga escape from.... Everyone. And he bought Shigiraki a decent microphone set to use for his podcast with money he made from tips doing everything else.

A very proud Kurogiri made everyone's lunches every day and then relaxed and watched Call of the Midwife and looked at cat memes with all his downtime. It was a great month for everyone.

Mustards mom concluded they were all really weird. And potentially dangerous. And honestly creeoy, freaky and downright strange. But she decided from the pictures, videos and general intelligence that was gathered that they could teach her son a lot. And he might have found some good friends.

"I'm glad you're finally moving on for not being accepted into UA. I knew you're quirk wouldn't do well against the test because it wasn't real people. You can still always be a hero sweetheart. I'm proud of you." She says, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Thanks mother. But I don't thimk I want to be a hero anyways. I think... I think it was just a phase." He says, with a wicked grin, that she can't see because they're still hugging.

The league learned a lot that month.

And even when they still get a lot of distrust and hate, even when some days they still have to deal with rejection and people pointing at them on the streets, they keep going on and they try. They already know how it's like to be at their lowest, so they want to figure out how high they can go. They actually enjoyed it and kept up their activities somewhat in private long after the month ended.

That was probably my favorite chapter to write... It felt so wholesome and made me happy. What did you think? Any suggestions? You know the drill! Write em in the comments or PM me!

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