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*Mr Compresses POV*

Well, I can proudly say we have had custody of our darling Eri for 2 weeks now. She's really found a niche in our family.

We have learned about her quirk and have gifted her a bracelet to keep it from activating, as per her own request.  It makes her feel safe. We have also begun some basic control training with her as well. If things get out of control,  we simply help her put the bracelet back on. She has learned to trust herself much more and has gown a lot more confident in her abilities. I am a proud Uncle.

We all have family based names she calls us and it's just to adorable to say no to. She calls Kurogiri her papa and Magne is mommy magne. Jin and I are the cool uncles. Mustard, Toga, Spinner, and Shigiraki are her siblings. And apparently Dabi got stuck as a cousin. I don't think he minds.

"Mommyyyyyy!" Eri screams from the gaming room. We all rush in to find an solution too familiar scene. She took her bracelets off this morning and has accidentally activated her quirk. Twice copies a few dozen magnes on the spot to swarm Eri and help her put on the bracelets. We loose 3 Magnes before both bracelets are back on. The poor child collapses from Exhaustion.

"We need to take her to a real specialist." Spinner sighs,  picking up the girl and taking her to lie down for a while.

"We can't exactly stroll in, even if we weren'tin the midst of a pandemic. Most of the places are closed, especiallyto Villains. "Dabi counters our Geico spokeslizard.

"She's not." I offer. Ever stopped mid step and looked.

"I mean...." Toga starts but trails off.

"She's a victim.  But never a villain. We may have committed crimes,  but she has not. Who knows,  she could be a hero one day." Magne says calmly.

"We didn't exactly have a choice,  you know. " Shigiraki practically hisses.

"I always wanted to be a hero. But between being abandoned by society and abused by my shit dad because of a grandmotherI never met, I had to be a villain. Abd I'mglad. Because now I see how twistedheroes are, with their oh so perfect quirks and the way-" Shigiraki begins to rant.

"We get it, dusty. Chill. I wanted to be a hero too. Different names, different reasons, same story. Asshole dad, abandonedby society, quirk shamed. I get it." Dabi interjects.

"YOU WERE QUIRK SHAMED?? You REALLY want to talk to ME about quirk shame? My classmates in kindergarten triedto KILL me! I was considered LESS than human.  How's that for quirk shame? Of course I wanted to be a hero, but I was a villain the second I was born, just because of how I look." Spinner yells, Making Eri stirring and everyone freezes. They look at the darling girl as they lay her on her freshly made bed.

"It can be different for her. We can give her a real choice." I say softly. Nobody speaks for a moment. But without words, we all agreed.

Eris POV

I wake up to a familiar headache. My quirk. I instantly remembered loosing control. Did I hurt Mama Magne? I think she.... no. They wouldn't let me stay if I had. Would they?

I sit up on my soft bed and look around the room. Every day, I pinch myself,  still unable to believe it's truly real. That there are really heroes.

I can tell it's midmorning based on the rays of light through my beautiful window. I love to stare out it at people's passing feet. I've never had a window before.

"Oh, you're awake. I brought some melon slices." Aoi says from the door. I turn to look at my brother and grin at the brightly colored fruit in his hands on a plate. We eat it together in silence while I hug bunbun with one arm. Tyen he helps me pick out clothes for the day and leaves so I can get dressed. Everyone is waiting when I come out.

"Hey Eri!" Toga practically screams. I know she means well, but something about her has always scared me. I do a little awkward wave and turn to big bro shiggy, who seems to be in charge here.

"Eri, what do you know about heroes and Villains?" Shigiraki asks me after a long silence.

"Well, Heroes are good. They help people. And Villainsare mean, and bad." I respond quietly.

"Well that hurt. NO IT DIDN'T.  YES IT DID, It really did." Uncle Jin looks likes he's dancing and I can't help a little smile. Smiling is nice.

"Andyou guysare the greatest heroes ever!" I pull as many as I can into a hug, which is 2. Dabi and Shiggy ducked out so I ended up hugging Toga and Twice,  who pushed to the front for the hug.

"Well kid, we're not really..... I guess what I'm trying to say is, that, we uh, I, erm, well...." Mustard stutters while rubbing the back of his head.

"We're not heroes. Not even lose. We're the League of Villains,  the most wanted Villains there are in all of Japan." Dabi interjects

"No! Kinda...? Besides a few individuals. We're not THE most wanted really.  But we're up there." Magne tries to cover but ultimately fails.

I don't understand. They not bad, they rescued me! Kai was bad. How could they be Villains?

"I- I don't understand..." Is all I can manage.

"We're not the good guys. Some wouldsay we didn'thavea choice. But you do. You could be the greatest hero if you wanted. We don't want to hold you back. So we're going to teach you the best of both worlds. If we can. So you can choose."

Wait,  I'm 7. How am I supposed to choose my path??? This is crazy....

"Okay." I nod.

And that's when it began.

I'll be back with a part 2! It just felt too long too keep putting into one chapter. And guys....?

I. 👏Take.👏 Requests!👏

I kinda need requests to keep plot moving since I don't have as much time anymore.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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