Movie Night

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Kurogiri has had enough. There's been 3 missions, 8 trips to the (underground) hospital, and 3 quirk accidents.  And that been this week.

Everyone is too high strung. So in one of his few moments of peace, he logs into his blog. It's actually quite popular among parents and teachers struggling with difficult children. Usually people ask him for advice, anywhere from how to get them to eat vegetables to how to help them with late quirk development. And occasionally he asks for help too.

What are the best ways to calm down a group of children, 6 of which are generally troublemakers, without going out. The group I'm currently in charge of is too hyper to contain in our small space. Tips?

He immediately received dozens of responses. Most though, agreed movie night was the best option to calm them all down. So kurogiri 'bought' the necessities. And by bought I mean he opened a gate under a grocery store he once visited often and cleaned out several aisles.

He then sorted through everything until he had popcorn and fruit snacks only. Everything else he sent to a food bank. He's a villain but he's a professional.  And professionals have standards.

You might be wondering why there's no soda or candy. Well, let's do a recap of when Shigiraki ordered a heist on a candy store.

Twice ended up in a corner, hugging his knees and talking to himself more than ever before.  Mustard and Toga were both knocked unconscious when a sugar-high Shigiraki chucked a table their way. Shigiraki threw things a lot and had a huge temper tantrum with screaming and everything when they ran out of runts and skittles. Even the more responsible ones got a but riled up by the others.

Compress found some sushi shaped and flavored candies. He swore they didn't taste good but ate 4 boxes in a sitting. Magne declared herself queen candy and was found a few hours later throwing handfuls off a building as passers-by. Even Spinner was found crawling the ceiling, his pupils dilated to cover his entire eye, murmuring to himself.

So you can see why it's a bad idea to try that again.

Kurogiri looked for a family friendly movie and ended up choosing Rise of the Guardians. (Awesome movie that everyone should see)

When they all filed into the bar for supper, they were surprised to find the room redone. A 50 inch flat screen TV was hooked up to a blue ray player, the menu for the movie open. A sleeping bag for each of them an a few dozen throw pillows littered the floor.  4 huge gallon sized buckets of popcorn sat on the counter and 8 even piles of fruit snack packages lay  next to the buckets.

"MOVIE NIGHT!!!!" Toga screams and soon the general excitement spreads. Soon everyone is snuggled down and the lights are off. Kurogiri presses play and it begins.

A/N this will contain spoilers for said movie. Skip to last paragraph if you want a recap with less details

It doesn't take long for the good to turn bad.

"Why the moon? It's just a dumb rock." Shigiraki comments, loudly consuming his extra butter popcorn. 

"I love snow..." Shigiraki comments again.

"Like THAT would happen." He interjects yet again.

"I NEED HIM! HE'S MY NEW CRUSH! GIVE ME HIS BLOOD!" Toga cries as Jack smiles on screen. Magne looks over.

"He is a cutie." she says casually.

"Can you three be quiet? I can't tell what they're saying and if you say one more thing I'll restart the movie with subtitles because this is hard to understand when you guys keep talking and- what did he say?" Spinner pipes up just to be shushed by 6 villains.

Soon there is silence again.  And then Pitch Black appears. A roar of excitement and approval rises out of all of them.

"FINALLY! A villain!" Shigiraki sighs in exasperation.

"He should have killed one of them." Shigiraki comments again. Twice starts snoring and they all realize he's fallen asleep.

Mustard gets an idea and seeps some sleeping gas to the constantly interrupting Crusty McGee and before they know it they all can enjoy their movie in silence.

But Shigiraki wakes up just in time for Sandy to be impaled by an arrow of darkness.

"FINALLY! Some murder!" He sits up, and realizes he ate all his popcorn and fruit snacks.  Since Twice is out for the night at this point, Shiggy snatches all of his treats.

Besides some obnoxious critical commentary from Shigiraki, the movie night goes fairly well. None seemed too satisfied with the ending though.

"The main characterwas flawed. And way too pretty for his own good. Pitch should have won.

The Santa was creepy. Actually, all of them were. One is a stalker of children, one collects childrens teeth and suppressed memories, one kidnapsand befriends a like... 4 year old girl. And one is clearly the 'good side' of some person with a dream quirk and split personality that can't defend or even defeathis own villain.

Not enough culture.  The animation is blotchy. The plot line is subpar at best. But I thought that was a good movie. " Shigiraki says without blinking. Toga moves in to strangle him but before anyone can say or do anything, Dabi bursts open the door with his foot.

"OK. I was lost in a case, sorta. It's my last one. But I had to finish this..

I found this ass hole.  His names Chisaki and based on some hero survalence before the pandemic, I connecteda LOT of dots here, but I think he has a kid as a prisoner and I think he's hurting it.

He's a drug dealer of sorts and I am gettingthat kid out if you're coming or not." He states.

"Ehh. I have nothing better to do." Shigiraki shrugs.

And that's when things got REALLY  interesting.

Recap if you never saw Rise of the Guardians. Shigiraki interrupted constantly. Toga simped for main character.  A bit of chaos. Dabi burst in asking for help to save a kid from a jerk named Chisaki.

A/N what do you think?

P.S. there are 1000 words on th dot

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