Another One Bites the Dust

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Mustard hit play on the remote. Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner, and him all march in with practiced steps in a line while keeping in tempo with the song. Another One Bites the Dust by Queen.

Step step step


Step step step


You get the picture.

Shigiraki is plugged into a headset and is clutching a controller with 8 fingers, pinkies out even though he has two finger gloves on. He's so emersed in it, he doesn't notice the others until they begin to march around him.

He pulls the headset off.

"What the heckity heck are you fudge sticks doing?" He demands, trying to avoid putting a 20 in Kurogiris no cursing jar since they're all b r o k e.

They say nothing but slowly close their circle in on him. The song continues and the crusty dusty villain is frozen. He looks at the faces circling him and then the song finishes the first verse.

All 5 of the circling villains stop and lean close to him, making him uncomfortable. Then they all bite him on a shoulder, ear, or on his neck. He screams as the 2nd verse begins and the soon to be endangered villains flee.

Magne quietly snickers from the shadows, where she has recorded the entire thing. As soon as the chaotic group leaves, she uploads it to the LoV YouTube channel.

It only has 204 followers now but they have only uploaded a few videos. One where Dabi gives an 8 hour rant about heroes in todays society. Twice and Toga singing and dancing the Renegade. Magne discussing tips on makeup and transitioning over a series of live streams. Spinner speedrunning various games. Mustard recorded most of them, too scared his mom would find out. But even he began to join in with their prank videos.

They're picking up followers fast and although they get a few thousand thumbs downs on every video, they get some likes so they're cool with it.

When Magne rejoins everyone else, they're all in Kurogiri time out. They fall through a portal into another portal which goes to the first portal. Its virtually falling for a few hours. When times up everyone will be launched up in the air far away and then when they start falling they'll fall through yet another portal and land on the floor yo the base, feeling like they only fell a few feet. It sounds complicated but its really not.

Shiggy was falling by himself in one timeout portal and the others were all in another. Kurogiri kept cleaning a glass.

"Magne, I need a few things from the store. But first we need money. Compess should be done with that in a few minutes, but could you grab them? I have a list here if you don't find. I'd send someone else but... You know how they are." Kurogiri looks up at her.

And ge has a point.

Dabi usually won't buy anything but pockets the money and lights some hero agency on fire. Mustard forgets theres a list and buys everything on sale. Toga usually ends up stabbing someone or bringing home another pet. Spinner spent their rent on stain merch. Shigiraki ignores the list and buys coffee, energy drinks and chips. Compress auctioned off Dabis P!atD collection and bought Sushi for everyone, but left it out and it smelt like fish for weeks. Twice has a breakdown around people in general and has social anxiety. Plus he is a bit suspicious with the mask, even when everyone is wearing one. And Kurogiri is easily recognized from the USJ attack.

That leaves Magne. Still not perfect, but at least she has her priorities straight.

"Sure thing sweets." She replies. Compress comes screaming through a warp gate seconds later with a bag full of cash labeled 'Bank of Japan' on it.

"Breaking the law go brrr!" Mustard calls out and Toga laughs. Compress composes himself and promptly gives Kurogiri the money. The bag spills open, is partially counted, and is then teliported away.

The group in timeout disappears, then crashes onto the floor.

"You guys know the drill. 10 second head start." Magne says with a hand on her hip. Shigiraki smirks as they all scramble to their feet and flee in all directions until Shigiraki disappears too. Only he doesn't land on the ground.

"Where is he?" Compress finally asks after almost a minute.

"9 blocks down. He hasn't left the lair in almost a month. He's getting fresh air and exercise. He'll probably get lost knowing him and wont be back for an hour or so." Is the answer.

"I'll be back before boss man. Cya." Magne calls over her shoulder as she left. She ties a mask into place as she walks outside and laughs when she sees Shigiraki clear as day running down the street away from her. She'll most definitely be back first.

Sorry fo the long wait on this chapter. The next will be out fairly soon. Please give me tips and ideas, I'm very open to suggestions. Thank you!

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