Bonding in more ways than 1

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Art by yours truly

Prepare for real plot

Mustards POV*

This is nice. Ront get me wrong, my family doesn't exactly suck but they don't understand me. My mom pretty strict but let's me do my own thing most of the time. My dad works weird shifts and barely sees me. He and I have had many arguments on politics. He is fine lying down and letting everyone walk all over us just because of our quirks. I'm not. I have an older brother who I'm supposed to look up to but he's never around either. He moved out when I was about 7 and now successfully runs a hedge fund somewhere in the north. So I feel left alone. But the League.... They're a family like no other and one I'm happy to be a part of. Proud of, even.

And to think it almost never happened.

Apparently not long after Toga and Dabi joined the League,  they were sent out to find worthy members. I was an accident to even find.

I had just bombed the entry exam at UAs hero course. No way I'd get in. I did incredibly on the written if I do say so myself but then I was supposed to punch robots and that's just not my thing. I wanted to be a hero, like so many others, but that wasn't an option for me because my gift requires a brain that this hero society doesn't have. I was listening to a podcast about liberating the mutation quirk slavery in the middle east when all of a sudden I heard a scream through my earbuds. I ripped them out and suddenly became aware of what was happening right in front of me.

A villain was attacking a civilian. This could be my chance. The villain had some sort of fire quirk and was attacking a middle age man who was frantically shooting layers 9ut of his fists at the attacker. I activate my quirk and grab my pocket knife from my pocket.

It's illegal to carry a weapon, I know. But if someone has a natural advantage over you, it helps to level the playing field.

I leap at the villain,  who's already growing weary from my quirk. He side steps and kicked me in the chest. I go flying but Don't drop my blade. This is it.... my big chance.... I can't screw up.

I run at him, my empty hand up and open, as if I have a hidden quirk. He freezes just long enough for me to get close. I swing my arm towards his chest, blade exposed. I feel something hot hit me and everything went black.

I woke up in a large room with a cement floor. I was dictated to a chair. The villain was sitting perched on a crate, squatting. I remember wondering how long he had to sit like that to look cool when I woke up.

He hoped off and walked towards me.

"You have a decent quirk, but you don't relyon it too heavily. And this podcast suggests you want to make a difference." Dabi said, holding out my knife and MP3.

"Based off the papersin your backpack combined with your disregard to your own life back there, you just failed an entrance exam into a hero course.  At UA none less." He continued.

"Not like I'm getting in. Not even after that disasterof a sports festival. My quirk is amazing. They just don't care." I felt obligated to respond.

We got to talking,  and I was half forced to and half willing to join the LoV. So I did. Didn't like it much at first. But they really get me.

We're like a family. A weird, quirky, outlaw family.

But you're not here for my back story,  are you?

I'm getting to it.

I don't have an official Eri day because I'm not here every day. My mom still doesn't know that I'm, well. You know.

Literally chilling with terrorists.

So I'm not always here. And I think everyone is OK with that. But I didn't join the league to babysit. It was a mix between life a death, and hope to make an impact. We're not exactly wealthy. We just blew over half our budget on a fully furnished room for a kid we all know we can't actually end up keeping. Can we?

We're not helping her by doing this. Not in the long run. She'll grow up bitter and hateful. We're trying,  but thats like soaking a cake in vinegar while trying to Frost it. You need to get it out to first it, and fast. Before it's too late. Toga watched her for a DAY. Now Eri tossed around knifes.

Her quirk training us doing well I guess.  But we're not professional and we can't afford one either.

For her sake, she has to go.

So while Kurogiri took her on a walk to the park, I tagged along. I sat with kirigiri while she played with kids on the playground.

Everything is opening up again,  slowly but surely. I'm confident we could find somewhere safe for her, away from the yakuza after her too. A pro would probably be the best choice. Maybe somewhere far away too. She's little. She could learn a new language.

Kurogiri agreed with me.

"Yes, I fear we're not what's best for her." Kurogiri sighs. We sit in silence as she declares herself villain to a group of kids playing heroes. They have 3 all mights, 1 endeavor, a Hawks and a Mt lady playing with her. They all cry battle cries and charge at her.

Looks like her self defense lessons are doing well. She was eventually overcame but she made 2 all mights and the Mt lady kid cry before they all tackled her.

Looks like she's having fun.

Soon I have to start heading home so I start walking. To my surprise, kurogiri and Eri materialize besides me soon and Eri is reliving her almost victory over those "dumb-dumb want  a bea heroes" and is punching the air to show that she means business. The follow me almost all the way home before warping back to the base. I smile and go inside.

Our apartment is in the 8th floor and has 2 small bedrooms. The bathroom is communal for the floor, so we just have a kitchen and a living room plus the two bedrooms. The view is pretty decent I guess. Not much wise to like though. I can't complain,  I've dealt with worse. But it still can dampen your spirits.

"Hey mom, I'm back." I call as I head straight to my room. As I pass through the living rooms, I see she's not there. Or in the kitchen. I check my parents room. She's not there either. I lay on my bed. Must be out in the bathroom.

I'm dead tired. I'm almost asleep when I hear the door open.

"Hey mom." I call. No answer.

This is weird. Something is wrong.

I leap up and pull open my tip drawer. I lift the false bottom and pull out my handgun. Perk of joining the league. I slam my thumb down on the little electric distress beacon, setting it off. I slam the drawer shut and turn to see a man in my doorway.

I lift the gun and level it at his face. He's 6 feet away. Can't dodge it, I can't miss.

"Who are you? Where is my mom?" I demand, barely hiding my shaking hands

"This place.... is filthy." Is his only reply. He removed a single white glove and steps forward. Could I really do this? I've never actually killed someone before. I don't know if I can do this.

He takes another step. One more and it'll be too late.


I let out a choked sob as I pull the trigger. And yet, he's fine? Did I miss? I set off my other 5 rounds. But after the 2nd, I knew. I'm in trouble. Because they hit his hand and turn to liquid metal.

Tears stream down my face as he comes even closer to me and I let out an inhuman scream. In attempts to escape I moved along the wall and find myself in the corner. Raw terror emitting from me like a faucet.

He puts his masked face against my ear and his voice sends chills down my spine.

"I think you have some information for me. And I always get what I want."

And just like that, just like before, everything goes black.

A/N plot progression! What'd ya think? Requests, comments, concerns? Put em in the comments. See you next chapter!

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