23: Sex Ed

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Two months went by and Black Veil Brides was back on tour in America. They were joining the Warped Tour again. Andy hesitated, but I told him to go since Warped had always been a major success for them. I was asked to join as well, as a musician, but the obvious circumstances at the time held me back from performing.

This was the point where Warped Management was the first to be informed about the fact that I was indeed pregnant. There was no point in hiding it much longer anyways. It was too hot to continue wearing over sized hoodies and I was getting quite huge for my once skinny figure.

I may not have joined as a musician, but I did join the guys on the tour. Andy simply didn't want to be too far away from me, so this was the only way to keep him at ease.

"Bryan's coming over in a little bit to do an interview." Andy muttered as he took a sip from his newly opened beer.

I gulped. He was coming here? Like, in here? The place was a fucking mess...

"Oh how fun." Matt said, sarcastically. Matt was an old friend of Andy's, an ex of mine, but still a really nice guy. We broke our relationship off years ago in a friendly matter. It simply wasn't working out for us, and that was that.

"How about I go take a nap while you're doing that?" I suggested. I was quite sleepy all the time, to be honest. The music and noise in the background from the other bands playing outside kept the little bugger inside of me quite active.

"Are you alright, Princess?" Andy asked sounding a bit concerned.

I nodded and smiled as I rubbed my belly. "I'm fine, babe. Just tired."

As soon as I got up and started making my way to the back of the bus, Andy grabbed my hand and tugged on it gently. "Just call for me if you need something, okay?"

I giggled softly and leaned over to give him a quick kiss. "Stop worrying so much." I then whispered.

"You're such a softy, Andy." Matt murmured mockingly as I walked off. I rolled my eyes, imagining what Andy's facial expression would've looked like at that point.

I went into the back bedroom, crawled straight into bed and comfortably curled up into my blanket. It was still hard to believe that I had a living human being inside of me. And I wondered what he or she would look like. I hoped it would end up having Andy's gorgeous eyes and his perfect smile. With those thoughts, I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I had this insanely amazing dream about sitting in a garden during summertime, Andy and Ashley behind the barbeque, the other guys fooling around and being happy with their partners, Andy's parents and my parents laughing together, and me just casually sitting there, holding the most beautiful little baby in my arms. And it wasn't long then before I woke up again. It felt like hours had passed and I wasn't really tired anymore.

I decided to get up and head back out into the living area, until I heard that Bryan was still here. "So there's one question I have that's completely unrelated to the tour. You haven't really spoken about this to anyone yet, so I wondered if maybe you would tell... me." Bryan began.

"What makes you think I would tell you something that I wouldn't tell anyone else?" I heard Andy mutter. He was pestering Bryan again like he always did. It was kind of funny.

"Yeah man, don't think so highly of yourself, you're not that great." Matt mused.

"But all right, go for it, ask me." Andy then gave in with a laugh.

"Alright. Well... your girlfriend, I saw her the other day, and... she's getting pretty big isn't she?" Bryan started. I had to hold back a giggle. He had such a bad way of putting things, the idiot.

Reprobate Romance (Andy Biersack) ✔️ (editing)Where stories live. Discover now