"I'm really sorry about your mom, babe." Andy whispered as he pulled me close.
I exhaled heavily and wiped away my tears. She may not have always been the most supportive one, especially not with my father around, but she was still my mom and it hurt knowing that she was going to be gone soon.
"Do you think she will still be around to meet our little devil spawn?" He then asked, as he softly poked my belly.
I chuckled a little and grabbed onto his hand, holding it down on me. "Devil spawn." I repeated with a giggle.
"Well it's me we're talking about here. Of course it's devil spawn. I'm sure your dad would agree." Andy simply stated, grinning lightly. He was so amused with himself it was kind of cute.
His confidence in the kid being his was very reassuring though. But only time could tell if my mother would make it that far.
When Andy's phone rang, he sighed and wrestled to get it out of his pocket. Before he picked up, he looked at the lit up screen and frowned. "Hey... Stacy... what's up?" Andy then mumbled, still frowning.
Stacy? Why would she be calling?
"Yes she is ... Really is that so? ... Well yes I'm sure that's okay ... Sure yeah she could use some company ... Okay no problem ... Yeah bye."
I raised an eyebrow as he hung up and threw his phone aside. "Someone here has a phone with a dead battery." He began with a teasing smirk. Oh whoops. "Stacy is coming over tonight and wants to go out for dinner. I'm not going to be here, but she said she had to talk to you, so... at least you won't be alone tonight, right?"
I smiled and nodded. "Yeah sure that sounds nice. I haven't seen or spoken to her since my birthday. I wonder what she wants to talk about though."
I was going to keep my silence about being knocked up though. Unless she somehow knew and that was what she wanted to talk to me about. But it wouldn't be that... would it?
"I feel like pancakes and sweet stuff!" Stacy exclaimed as she hit the steering wheel in excitement. "Let's go to IHOP!"
I laughed a little. Though honestly I couldn't agree more; sweet stuff, lots and lots of sweet stuff. I wasn't going to say no to that. Especially since I was basically eating for two now.
We both sat down at a table near the window and ordered latte's and a big stack of pancakes. "I've never actually been to this place." Stacy then admitted.
"Well it beats Andy's cooking." I joked, shoving another bite into my mouth.
Stacy giggled and sipped her latte. "He cooks these days? Wow, that's a shocker. Lucky you. So how are you two doing?"
I had always been kind of worried that she'd be pissed off about me going out with Andy now. But she seemed to be quite content with it. "We're doing great, yeah." I honestly didn't know what else to say about it. It still felt somewhat weird since they had been together for almost 4 years. Well, technically seen 3.
It was then that her smile faded. "And how's your brother?" She asked.
"Beats me, to be honest." I muttered below my breath. "We don't really talk. Our relationship is a bit... complicated. Especially since he got engaged." I heard me use my own mother's words. Tommy wasn't complicated though. He and I often just didn't know how to deal with each other. We were total opposites, yet somehow the same too.
Stacy suddenly dropped her fork. When I looked up at her, her eyes widened. "He... he's engaged?" She asked, full of shock. "Since when?"
I frowned and took another careful bite of one of my pancakes. "I'm not sure. But I assume it's been a while."
"That fucking..." She spat, quickly cutting herself off. "I'm sorry, Alexis. Can I... can I tell you something?" She looked at me pleadingly, and I just nodded since my mouth was full. "I really thought your brother and I had something. But then he just started to ignore me, out of nowhere! I'm such an idiot though. I fell in love with him! And I thought he felt the same..."
I wiped my mouth and sighed. I felt kind of bad for her. Then again I felt bad for everyone who had to deal with my brother. "Well you better get over him quick." I muttered softly. "I doubt he's going to let go of that parasite he's with. She's most likely the exact reason why he won't contact you or me." Nor our mother, apparently. I prayed that he would at least get in contact with her before it was too late, because he would regret it forever if he was.
I knew Tommy loved mom. I knew he loved me too. He just had a very bad way of showing it. It was one of those traits he sadly inherited from dad.
"Sometimes I wonder where it all went wrong with Andy." Now I was starting to feel really uncomfortable. But after a moment of silence, she looked up again and smiled. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I'm happy for you two."
"I really love him, Stacy." For some reason I felt like I needed to clarify that. "I'm sorry things didn't work out for you, also not with my brother. But you're a great girl, I'm sure you'll find someone. Or who knows, perhaps someday my brother will open his eyes and see what he missed out on."
Stacy then raised her glass and smiled. "By then it will be too late though!" She downed her drink and burped. "That IHOP, eh?"
I nodded and laughed. "That IHOP."

Reprobate Romance (Andy Biersack) ✔️ (editing)
FanfictionAlexis (Lexus) Ratliff is an aspiring musician, and close friends with the five men of Black Veil Brides, her closest relation being to their singer, Andy. They decide to drag her along on tour to show her how life on the road is, and give her the c...