The next day, everyone was chilling out in Jake's room again. Jake and Jinxx were on the Xbox, Ashley was doodling on the table and CC was the one screaming at the TV this time. As Andy came out of the bathroom, he snatched the last quarter of my cigarette from my hand and threw himself on the spot beside me.
"I wasn't done with that!" I told him as I tried to snatch it back from him.
Andy chuckled and quickly took the last few drags, until there was nothing smokeable left. "They're bad for you, you know." He said darkly, as he waved the cigarette bud in front of my face.
I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand away. "Says the guy who smokes a packet or two a day, including half of mine." I murmured in disapproval.
"Hey wait, it's your fucking birthday dude, why the fuck are we inside? We need to go out and celebrate this!" Ashley randomly called out, all too excitedly. "Like, we should go somewhere and get wasted. Like a strip club or something."
I snickered softly. Typical Ashley.
Andy looked up at Ash and shrugged. "Sure, I won't say no to a few drinks... as long as Lexus comes too." He said as he playfully poked my chin. "So no strip club."
"Umm... what?" I choked as I blinked nervously. I definitely didn't mind a drink, but the problem was; although I wasn't, I looked pretty under aged, and I had just lost my freaking passport. Most places didn't even allow me in, unless I had my boobs practically hanging out of my top.
"Of course she's gonna come! We need someone to remind us where the hotel is located when we're too wasted to find it ourselves." Jinxx then simply stated.
I rolled my eyes. Typical guys. Well, these guys anyways.
Ashley wrapped an arm around my shoulder and looked at me pleadingly. Ugh, he just knew that it would work on me instantly. "It's Andy's birthday, so come on, girl."
I sighed in defeat. "Remind me again why I'm even with you guys."
"You, babe, are with us because I don't trust any of these fuckers at night in the bus. You're not the type to draw a fucking dick on my cheek, unlike that asshole." Jinxx stated as he pointed at CC. "Besides, this tour gives you the chance to let the world know about your music. You know that I- we love and support you. Not that you will ever surpass our fame, though."
I chuckled softly. They were such idiots. But I loved every single one of them anyway.
The drinks from the local bar we stopped at went down our throats easily enough. And it wasn't very long before some of the guys were dancing on the tables. I simply sat back on a bar stool and giggled as I watched them.
"Here, woman." Andy casually said as he handed me another drink.
"Thanks, man." I mumbled as I laughed a little. Andy's casual bluntness was always quite amusing to me.
The night was pretty fun, though. And it was nice to see the guys enjoy themselves. The bar wasn't very crowded and not a single person had come up to bother them in any way. Besides the thousands of birthday messages on social media, that was.
Eventually whenever some random guy even came near me and attempted to flirt with me, one of the guys made sure that he got shooed away all too quickly.
"Do you honestly all expect me to stay single for the rest of my life?" I questioned, a hint of frustration to my voice.
Ashley flicked my nose and smiled sweetly. "Lexie, you're a 22-year-old girl with the face of an angel and the body of a temptress. You need to be protected. Who better than by us, little sister."
I snorted at that. "As if one overly protective brother wasn't bad enough, now I have six."
"You will love us for it someday." CC stated proudly.
I huffed and simply rolled my eyes at them.
Andy had been somewhat quiet that evening. He was enjoying himself, but just a little less than what I was used to seeing from him. He was brooding over something. The question was, what? Perhaps he just missed his girlfriend. It was a first that she wasn't around on both Christmas and his birthday. Even his parents had come over for lunch. I had considered sending Stacy a message or giving her a call, but if it was something between them, then I shouldn't interfere. Honestly I was probably just overthinking things.
"So how's the birthday boy?" I eventually decided to ask Andy, who was staring down intensely at his empty glass.
"Dry." He grinned as he looked up at me again.
I rolled my eyes at him and ordered another round of drinks. Obviously, he wasn't gonna tell me anything. Which was fine, I guess.

Reprobate Romance (Andy Biersack) ✔️ (editing)
FanfictionAlexis (Lexus) Ratliff is an aspiring musician, and close friends with the five men of Black Veil Brides, her closest relation being to their singer, Andy. They decide to drag her along on tour to show her how life on the road is, and give her the c...