Days of silence went by and slowly but surely I was getting the hang of this whole mother thing. I was able to find some sort of routine midst all of the chaos and that definitely helped me from losing the remainder of my sanity. I was also pretty lucky that Dennis didn't cry much, although those moments often made me worry too.
There were also rare moments where I found myself being able to write some lyrics again. That was something I definitely missed doing.
A major shock was when Ronnie occasionally came around and helped me out with getting groceries and cleaning the house. It was sweet, but somewhat confusing.
"Why are you doing this?" I decided to finally ask one morning, as Ronnie was lying on the ground, playing with Dennis on his chest.
He then looked over at me, one eyebrow raised and laughed. "Well someone needs to be here for you and the kid. I don't exactly see your brother doing anything."
I was surprised at how he mentioned my brother instead of Andy. Though of course we both knew better. I sighed and leaned against the frame of the door. It was supposed to be Andy right there on that floor though.
"Well anyways, I'm going to visit my mom in a few hours... you should probably go."
Ronnie then held Dennis firmly against him and climbed back up on his feet. "I'll go with you." He simply stated, not even asking.
"I don't think that's a good idea, Radke." I muttered as I took Dennis from him and began to dress him. Him and my dad would so not get along; putting them two together in a room was asking for trouble.
He then came over and tickled Dennis' nose, making him smile and make giggle-like noises. "I'll behave, promise." He said calmly.
It was great and all that Ronnie wanted to attempt to behave, but whether my father was going to behave was a whole other thing. Of course Ronnie got his way in the end. And I suppose it was nice to know that someone cared about my wellbeing.
"Hey mom." I gently called as we walked into her living room, closely followed by my father. "How are you feeling?"
My mom slowly looked up and smiled softly. "I'm okay, dear. How nice of you to visit us. I see you've brought your man and your son with you. That's nice." She was obviously numbed enough by the painkillers to not even recognize that it wasn't Andy holding little Dennis. Then again, she hadn't seen Andy in years anyways.
"Mom, no... this..." My father cleared his throat, quickly cutting me off.
Ronnie then walked past me and kneeled down beside my mother. "Say hi to your grandma, Dennis." He whispered with a cute voice, making Dennis wave his little hand at my mom.
My mom gently patted Ronnie's cheek and smiled. "You're such a handsome man, Andrew. Isn't he, Alexis?"
I snorted a little as Ronnie looked back at me, giving me one of his typical fake innocent smiles. "Yes... yes he is." I simply replied, pretending to be all serious.
It was kind of a cute sight, but at the same time it made me a little uncomfortable.
"I need to speak to you in the kitchen, Alexis." My father then demanded, tugging on my arm. I looked back at Ronnie and Dennis for a moment and then nodded, following my dad into the kitchen. "Please explain to me what the fuck this is? This man is not the kid's father, is he? Is he?" My father practically yelled.
"N-no he isn't." I stuttered, slightly thrown off guard by his angry tone.
"Right. Well then explain to me what you're doing with this guy. Did you fuck up again? Did screw around and did he leave you? Is Andrew even the father or is it some guy you don't even know? See Alexis, you are no good, and the people you hang with are no good either!"
I blinked a few times, shocked at what he threw at me this time. I was speechless. What the fuck was wrong with him?
"Listen up, man." Ronnie then started as he came walking into the kitchen too. "This is no way to treat your daughter. She's a better person and mother than you give her credit for. I may not be the father of this kid, but I damn well will take care of him if she needs me to. And you can go and say about me whatever you want, but your daughter deserves some respect."
Quite frankly, this shocked me even more; I had never seen Ronnie this calm and yet defensive at the same time. Surely I knew he'd have the guts to stand up for me to my father, but to be honest I had more a vision of Ronnie punching my dad in the face instead.
My father inspected Ronnie from head to toe and cleared his throat. "I see. Alexis, it seems to me that your friend here thinks he can tell me how I should treat my own daughter. The man obviously has no manners. Send him away."
I gasped and went to stand beside Ronnie, carefully placing my hand on Dennis' back. "No, Charles, I won't." I snarled at him. Enough was enough.
"Alexis Joanna Ratliff I am your father and you will address me as such!" At that very moment, Dennis started crying. And I was so done. I wasn't going to stay here for one more second.
"If only you actually tried to be one so every now and then... but being a full-time asshole is easier, isn't it? We're leaving, like right now." With that I threw the bag of baby supplies back over my shoulder and took Dennis from Ronnie's arms. "Come on let's go home sweetie." I whispered to Dennis, patting his back and trying to calm him down.
I gently said my goodbyes to my mom and then left.
"Fuck, Ratliff. You never told me your dad was a royal prick too." Ronnie mentioned as he started the car and drove off back to my house.
I sighed and rubbed Dennis' back until he was calm again. "Yeah... my brother and him are like one and the same person. It kind of makes me scared about how this little one will turn out when he gets older."
Ronnie just laughed and messed with Dennis' hair as he threw me a sincere smile. "He's a Biersack. He'll be alright."

Reprobate Romance (Andy Biersack) ✔️ (editing)
FanficAlexis (Lexus) Ratliff is an aspiring musician, and close friends with the five men of Black Veil Brides, her closest relation being to their singer, Andy. They decide to drag her along on tour to show her how life on the road is, and give her the c...