2: Game Over

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It had been a pretty relaxing afternoon. There wasn't anything planned, besides my own local little show in some crappy bar, which was pretty early, so everyone was just doing their own thing. The bar that I performed at wasn't crowded, but hey, it was something.

That night was closed off with a gaming night in Jake's hotel room. No matter where we went, Jake was sure to have his Xbox with him, and often his Nintendo Wii as well. The majority of the guys would be playing Call of Duty while I, the only girl of course, would just laugh at their failures.

"Andy, you backstabbing camper." I accused him. "Just go in for the kill! CC is right fucking there!"

"Oh thanks so much, tattle-tale." CC murmured bitterly.

"This is ridiculous. Why am I even playing this? Oh, there's CC!" Andy squeezed his cigarette between his teeth and smashed some random buttons, in attempt to kill CC's character. Considering that gaming really was not Andy's thing, watching him was quite amusing.

"Aw fuck!" CC then yelled as he threw the controller aside in defeat.

It didn't take long, though, before they were the ones laughing at my gaming failure in playing Super Mario. "But... I fucking passed asshole! How did I not pass there! Seriously!" I yelled aimlessly at the TV.

That of course, gave the guys a great laugh. I loved video games, occasionally, but I just really sucked at them. Simple. "Christ Ratliff, you're hopeless. Here, let me help you." Ronnie then suggested.

"Fine, you do it then." I raised my hand to hand him the controller, but he completely ignored that. Instead, he sat down behind me, wrapped his arms around me and placed his hands on top of mine. 

"Put your fingers there and there, so you can switch easier, okay?" He explained as he pushed my fingers onto the right buttons.

"Right." I murmured in response as I snickered softly. I was indeed hopeless. And even with his help, it took forever.

"Okay, last try..." Ronnie then said as he tightened his grip on my hands, and the controller. "You ready? Up, up, down, left, right, up, up again, A, B, select, X, down. There you go."

"Oh my god, I passed!" I screeched excitedly. Most of the guys laughed and clapped their hands all too sarcastically before they simply focused back on playing Call of Duty. I just turned my head and stuck my tongue out at them. "And now I give up." I then added.

"Oh so I'm supposed to play on?" Ronnie asked skeptically.

I gave him a hard nudge in the stomach with my elbow and laughed. "Yep. If you gotta be the know-it-all, you're gonna finish it for me too."

"Better do as she says, or she'll kick your ass." Ashley then pointed out.

"And he's not even kidding." Jinxx added with his 'serious' face.

I leaned back a little with my head on Ronnie's shoulder and just laughed, simply because it was true. It was either my way, or the high way. If people felt the need to help me, without me actually asking for help, they better be prepared to just do everything, because that was something I did not tolerate. Luckily for most of the guys, they knew that.

Ronnie shook his head with a smile and started the next level. "You're incredible." He then smoothly whispered into my ear as the starting tune played.

It really caught me off guard. His whisper was soft enough to pretend that I didn't hear it, though. And it was only then that I realized how awkward this moment even was. Ronnie's thighs kept me firmly in place, as well as his arms did, and it was all a little too comfortable... for him.

No one else seemed to notice, though. All the guys their eyes were plastered on the screen, and Andy's on his phone, his look a mix of concentration and frustration.

After a few more levels, Ronnie suddenly shoved the controller down my top and winked at me before he got up. "I'm gonna head to the bar with Seaman. See y'all tomorrow."

"The breakfast thingy is at ten, by the way." Andy then mentioned. "The hotel's treat. See you there."

"Alright man, 'night." Ronnie waved before he left the hotel room.

"Night!" The guys responded in unison, not taking any of their eyes off the game for even a mere second.

I got up from the floor and plumped down beside Andy on the couch. "Speaking of breakfast... now that I can move freely again, let's call room service for pizza." I suggested as I already started to dial the number.

"You, Lexie, are a genius." CC said, voicing his agreement to the brilliant idea.

"I know." I noted proudly.

"Just don't forget the beer, woman." Andy muttered as he poked my side, eyes still plastered to the screen of his phone.

I just rolled my eyes. Woman... Always with the woman.

I playfully messed up Andy's hair and shot him a fake sweet smile. "I won't."

Reprobate Romance (Andy Biersack) ✔️ (editing)Where stories live. Discover now