11: Love on the Rooftop

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"Shit, it's almost 2015." I muttered the next day, while Ronnie and I were having dinner in the hotel's restaurant. "It's fucking crazy how fast this year went. And where the heck is everybody anyways? Like really, I have not seen a single person in this entire hotel all day."

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you..." Ronnie then casually mentioned. "We're all staying in a different hotel tonight. Tour management booked the top floor of some fancy place and their rooftop bar for us all for tonight. The rest already left."

"And they just left me here?" I asked, kinda insulted.

"Nah, Biersack and Purdy were looking for you this morning. I told him you were still sleeping and that I'd drag your ass over there."

I blinked profusely and nearly choked on my own saliva. "You... told him... I was with you?"

Ronnie laughed after he took another bite of his dinner. "See, I knew you were talking about Biersack last night." I was going to take that as a no. I hoped.

Wen we were done with our dinner, we packed our stuff and took a cab to the other hotel. As night started to fall, the streets filled up with loads of people. Couples and families were all over the place, restaurants filled to the hilt.

"I called Rose, by the way." Ronnie suddenly mentioned with a soft sigh.

"And?" I asked, excitedly.

An obvious smile started tugging on the corners of his lips. "She's coming over tonight."

I gasped excitedly and hit his arm. "Radke! Good for you man!" I squealed at him.

He let out a child-like giggle and stared out of the window of the cab. "Thanks, Ratliff. You really are amazing. Honestly, you don't get enough credit for it." Right. Sure.

When I got to my hotel room on the top floor of the hotel, I immediately took a shower and changed into a nice but cozy, glittery black dress with a front zip. I threw on a long coat, my heels and wrapped a big scarf around my neck.

By that time it was already nearly 11 pm. "Christ Lexus, we thought you weren't gonna make it." CC mentioned as I stumbled out onto the rooftop.

I laughed and shrugged off the embarrassment of being so late. Some of the guys their families had joined the party too, which was great. Jake's sister and his girlfriend were there, Rose and her mom were there and some of the guys' parents and other family members too. Luckily, not mine. None of them.

"Alexis!" I suddenly heard a voice call my name in excitement. "Long time no see!" It was Amy, Andy's mom. She smiled and pulled me into a tight embrace. She was such a sweet woman, always had been.

"Hey there, Lexus!" Andy's dad then popped up behind Amy, smiling just as brightly. It was pretty cool to see them here as well. But they wouldn't miss their baby boy for the world, of course. Seriously, they were by far the most proud and accepting parents that I had ever met. It was amazing and it almost made me a little jealous.

"Hey guys." I greeted both of them as I hugged Amy back.

"You look stunning, honey. I'm so glad you're doing okay. Andy told me about what happened with you and your brother. That wasn't very nice of him."

I looked at her and frowned. "Did he?" Why would Andy tell them about that?

"Yes, he was so concerned." Amy then admitted as she inspected the look on my face. I figured that I probably looked confused as hell at that point. I honestly wondered whether she knew more. And with more, I meant what happened between us the next day.

The more I talked to Amy and Chris, the more I started to realize what was going on in my head. They definitely knew and were ever to subtly trying to figure out my side of it. Subtle for their doing perhaps, but for me it was as obvious as a flashing billboard in the black night. But where was Andy anyway, other than just on my mind?

It was getting pretty close to midnight, and I hadn't even spotted him yet, but I had to find him. I just had to.

Not all too much later, it was already time for the countdown. I squirmed myself through all of the guests, in desperate search for him. My heart was beating in my throat. Where the hell was he?

As soon as Ronnie spotted me, dressed in a seriously fancy white suit and a black samurai-like coat, he smiled and quickly grabbed me by my arms, pushing me towards a ledge on the roof. As I stumbled over there, I noticed Andy leaning against the rail, staring out blankly into the crowd behind me.

I couldn't help but to smile brightly as I saw him standing there. My heart filled up with joy and relief when he looked up at me and smiled back.

"Go!" I heard Ronnie growl behind me before he gave me another push.

Everyone on the roof was chanting. "Five... four... three... two..."

This was it. It was now or never.

Without any further thought or hesitation, I stepped up to Andy, grabbed his face with both of my hands, and kissed him deeply. Andy hardly hesitated and kissed me back, wrapping his arms around my waist. I could feel a smile playing on his lips, and for a moment, it was just him and I.

"Happy New Year!" Everyone screamed and cheered.

Slowly, after a while, our lips parted again. But Andy did not let go of me; instead, he carefully placed his forehead against mine and smiled gently. I could feel my cheeks burn up as I looked into his eyes.

"I love you." I then finally confessed to him.

His smile became even brighter as he then moved in to kiss me again. There wasn't a thing in the world that could possibly make me feel any happier than how I felt when I finally gave in to my heart at that very moment.

In the background I heard someone starting to clap his or her hands. And as silence fell, the cheering stopped, but was quickly replaced by more clapping. This time, Andy pulled away and looked over at the crowd, as did I.

Everyone was faced our way, literally everyone. They were the ones clapping and cheering. Ronnie stood in front of them sticking his thumbs up at us, and then continued to kiss Rose like there was no tomorrow. My face burned up even more as I realized what had just happened. Everyone had seen what I did. Everyone. And the fact that Ashley's jaw was practically on the floor, confirmed the shock. If he didn't see this coming, then no one did.

Andy noticed that and just laughed softly while he held me close. "I had been waiting to hear you say that." He whispered in his low, raspy voice. I could hear that he was a just bit emotional, and it was kinda cute. A part of me still wanted to jump off the roof, but the other part, the stronger part, did not ever want to let go.

"Plot twist!" CC said jokingly, as his attempt to break the silence.

And that comment was pretty much my saving grace. Everyone basically just laughed at CC and went back to their conversations, eating and drinking, which made me sigh in relief.

"I'll keep them off your back." Andy then suddenly whispered with a grin as he patted my back.

Really, the guy knew me all too well. He knew the others were going to bomb me with questions. And though eventually I would have to face the fans too, I needed time to let it all sink in. Lots of time, probably.

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