29: Just a Set up?

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One afternoon, my phone rang. "Hey!" I heard multiple voices call out, when I picked up. "How are you doing, girl?!" One of them was Ashley.

With my little baby boy on my lap, I smiled down at him and chuckled. "I'm doing fine guys, thanks."

"The four of us were thinking of coming over, if that's okay with you!" CC then said.

Just the four of them... that obviously meant not Andy then. I quickly shrugged the sad thought out of my head and smiled again. "Sure guys, come on over."

Only minutes after the phone call, they were already at my door. Which was typical to be honest. They were bound to show up, whether I had said yes or no. But that's what I loved about them.

"Looking great, momma!" CC exclaimed as he hugged me.

I laughed as he then let go of me again. "You're such a bad liar." I stated. "I look like absolute shit." I had just picked up on a small training routine to get my belly back in shape. But I was pretty exhausted all the time so my face probably looked like I hadn't slept in months. It's definitely how I felt anyways. Being a parent was exhausting, but at the same time satisfying.

"Lexus, you look great." Jake then calmly confirmed.

Ashley had found my son and carefully carried him over to the rest of the guys as they all sat down in the living room. "Look at this little monster!" He said with a child-like voice. "You're keeping your mommy well and busy, aren't you?"

"We got him something." Jinxx then announced, pulling a bag from behind him and handing it to me.

For a moment, I was startled. "Well open it!" CC practically begged, waving his hands in the air.

I took the small package from the bag and ripped the paper apart. Inside the wrappings I found a small, black baby bodysuit. When I turned it over, I spotted the Black Veil Brides star logo printed on it in white. I smiled and chuckled softly. "That's cool, guys. I'm sure he'll love it."

"Say what's the kid's name, anyways?" Jinxx then asked as he carefully took my baby boy over from Ashley. I felt embarrassed that I still couldn't answer that properly.

"The kid still doesn't have a name, does he?" Ashley pointed out.

I sighed and looked away. "I just... I just never imagined that I would have to do this without Andy... and... it's something we were supposed to do together." A single, lonely tear fell from my eye and I felt miserable all over again. "I'm sorry." I then quickly wiped my tears away and went into the kitchen.

Ashley followed me and pulled me into a tight embrace. I kind of hated that he did that because at that moment I really did end up crying. He gently rubbed my back for a moment and then made me look at him. "It's not my place to tell you, but... Andy, he... He had sent Stacy away after you left. He was pretty broken up about the whole thing. He felt so fucked up and drank a lot. And well Stacy began stalking him like mad after the kid was born. I was out with him one time, he got so angry with her... He didn't hurt her or anything, but for some reason she broke out crying and admitted that... what happened in the bus... it was all a set up. She got Andy so drunk and drugged him too. He was out cold by the time he even touched the bed. She tried but... well he wouldn't budge obviously, so she just made it seem like something happened. The girl is fucking crazy, Lex. Andy has a restraining order on her now."

For a moment I fell silent. Was this for real? Was he serious? She had set him up, to break us apart? Andy hadn't actually... he hadn't slept with her? But then why the fuck did he act so stupid and guilty that morning?

"He wants to apologize..." Ashley then continued.

"Then why the fuck doesn't he? Why am I still here, on my own? Taking care of our son, on my own? Explain that to me, Ash!" Again I cried. Ashley didn't answer. I then sighed and wiped away my tears. "You know what, he doesn't have to apologize. I'm done. This is stupid." I had no idea where the strength to say that came from, but it just kind of pissed me off that Andy had done so little to contact his own son.

Forget about me, but this was his son! Did that mean anything to him?

"He loves you, though." Ashley whispered, almost sounding desperate.

I crossed my arms and inhaled deeply, trying to fight more tears. "What if I don't love him anymore?" I tried to sound convincing, but there was no way I could ever say such a thing and actually mean it. Not yet anyways.

"You know that's bull crap, Lexie." Jinxx then stated as he came into the kitchen, still holding my boy closely in his arms. "You two need to make up and get back together."

I took my son back from him and looked into his eyes. His deep ocean blue marbles reminded me of Andy's. It was almost as if I was looking into his eyes, they were just so similar. He grabbed onto my thumb and squeezed it as tightly as he could.

"He's just as broken up about this as you are, you know?" Ashley then stated with a sigh. "Maybe even more than you are. I hate seeing you both like this."

"Still, Andy is the one who fucked up. Whether him and what's-her-face had sex or not... how he's been handling things just isn't right. He needs to fix this." Jake then stated, loud and clear.

"Guys... Can we give this Andy thing a rest, please?" I pleaded. I lived daily thinking about nothing else than getting back together with Andy. But at the same time I just wasn't sure whether it was the right thing to do. After all, Andy and I hadn't even come up with a name yet before all of this happened. Who was to say he would have any time for a family now?

It's not like he even wanted this in the first place.

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