For days I ignored every text and every call I got from basically everyone. I was both surprised and hurt when I found that Andy had not tried to contact me, not once. It made the message loud and clear.
I was due in about 20 days. The sore feet and back were inevitable at this point, so I spent a lot of my time bathing. It was also the only thing that would quiet down the little monster inside of me. And I felt bad for it, bad that it had to spend its last month in such a stressed out body. Because honestly I was still feeling just as bad as the day I left, if not worse in a way.
Just as I was making myself some dinner, the doorbell rang. Not many people knew where I was, so for some reason I was hopeful that it was Andy. Yet at the same time I prayed it wasn't him.
I wiped my hands clean and made my way to the door, gently opened it and peeked through the crack. "Lexie!" An excited Rose yelled. She walked in, arms in the air, and hugged me tight. It was then that I spotted Ronnie behind her.
"Hey there, Ratliff." He said, laughing nervously.
"Just ignore him." Rose then said as she let go of me. "When he picked up that I was going to search for you, he insisted on coming along. And no... we're not together."
I snorted and kept my gaze on him as he just stood there ever so awkwardly. "Point made." I muttered. "Come in, Radke." He and I hadn't really spoken much since the day I got the DNA test results. Andy had always stayed a little pissed off at Ronnie for basically assaulting me so I hadn't seen him at all since that happened.
"Nice place you've got, Ratliff. It screams Biersack. There seems to be something missing though... or should I say someone." Ronnie stated as he eyed every detail of the living room.
Rose punched him in the shoulder. "Shut the hell up, Ronnie! You know damn well what happened." She snarled at him in a whisper.
I blinked a few times and sighed. The word had spread around. And once again I felt tears welling up in my eyes. "Now look at what you did!" Rose spat as she hurled herself at me and pulled me into a tight embrace.
"I'm sorry." I cried out into her shoulder.
Rose rubbed my back soothingly. "It's okay, Lexie. I totally understand."
"I'm so sick of crying over him though! I love him but I should fucking hate him!" I just blurted out. And it was the first time that I actually admitted how I felt about the whole thing. I wanted to hate Andy with a passion, but I couldn't. I still loved him, I probably always would. That was my downfall.
"Would've been so much easier now if the kid was mine, eh?" Ronnie then muttered darkly. I saw that even after everything, he was pissed off at Andy too. And at this very moment, I would've almost agreed with him.
But nothing was easy about the situation. Nothing whatsoever.
I wondered if Andy still even remembered when I was due. I wondered whether he would be there or not. Heck a part of me didn't even want him there, not like this. But he was the father after all. He had the right to be there... if he cared to be.
"Oh my gosh this is so cute!" Rose yelled from the baby room. I wiped my tears away and walked over to her. She was holding the black blanket in her hands. "It's so soft too." She then added.
I smiled a little and took the blanket from her hands. "It is." I whispered softly.
"I assume by the colors of the room that you still don't know what it's going to be?" The room was mostly white, had a few black accents and a dark relaxing tone of red. But then again, even if I had known the sex of the child, I wasn't the blue or pink type.
"Nope. We decided that we didn't wanna know." I simply stated as I put away the blanket again. "We don't even have names though." I caught myself using the word 'we' and quickly cleared my throat. It wasn't we anymore now.
Rose stared at me in shock. "You... you what?!" She then yelled.
"Andy never had the time to talk about it. So... how does Nameless Biersack sound?"
"You could name him Ronnie, if it's a boy." Ronnie then suggested proudly. "Or Joey. And then if it's a girl Ronda or Josephine."
I busted out laughing for a moment but stopped once I realized he was being dead serious. I definitely wasn't going to name my child after him. "Yeah sorry, I don't know about that, Radke."
"Do you think he'll be there... after?" Rose asked, carefully trying to find the right words so I wouldn't end up bawling again.
I just shrugged and sighed. "I don't know, Rose. I don't even know where he is now. He hasn't even tried to talk to me or anything."
After the two of them had left again, I went straight to bed. It was nice to have some friends around, even for a little bit. But without Andy here, the loneliness crept back up in no time. It would've been great if I could've just gone out and drink away the pain, but I wasn't going to harm my baby.
I rolled over on my side and looked at the empty spot beside me. Andy had never even been there but still I missed it. On the nightstand there was a picture of us together from my graduation prom. He had been my prom date, most likely because I couldn't get anyone else anyways... but it was a great night though.
"You look like a dark Princess." Andy pointed out. A slight grin played on his lips as he held my hand and blushed. He looked so handsome in a suit and striped tie, his short black hair parted on the side... I was wearing quite a simple off-shoulder black dress, with a puffy skirt and long gloves. My hair was curled and Andy had given me a headband with a black rose on it to wear.
I blushed at his compliment. "Care for a dance... Princess?" He then asked.
A tear fell from my eye as I thought back on that night. That was the night he called me that for the first time. Princess. It was a ridiculous name, but somehow it felt nice and comforting. What I wouldn't give to go back to that moment. Back when most things were still easy.
I sighed softly and rubbed my big baby bump until I slowly drifted off to sleep.

Reprobate Romance (Andy Biersack) ✔️ (editing)
Fiksi PenggemarAlexis (Lexus) Ratliff is an aspiring musician, and close friends with the five men of Black Veil Brides, her closest relation being to their singer, Andy. They decide to drag her along on tour to show her how life on the road is, and give her the c...