34: Birthday Girl

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When the week of my birthday arrived, my phone buzzed continuously. Messages asking when and whether I was celebrating the horrid day flooded my inbox. And the most shocking part was that even Andy had tried to call me numerous times. But not once had I picked up though.

I simply wasn't in the mood to talk to him, now that things were slowly starting to get better for Dennis and me. Sure I was still on my own, but somehow I had managed to convince myself that it was okay.

One faithful morning, at a seriously ungodly hour for people who weren't parents, my doorbell rang. I yawned and went to answer it. To my great surprise, it was Andy. "What are you doing here?" I asked, baffled at the fact that out of all people, he was standing there.

"Well... it is your birthday, isn't it?" He stated without emotion.

"Oh, right. That's today." I muttered darkly.

"So... Happy birthday." Andy then blurted out nervously as he pulled out a gigantic bouquet of crimson red roses and white calla lilies from behind his back. At this point I hated him for remembering what my favorite flowers were.

He handed me the bouquet and practically pushed himself past me into the house. "Thanks, I guess." I muttered, not really getting what the heck was going on. I then walked through the kitchen, dumped the flowers onto the counter and went to where I expected Andy to be... Dennis' room.

And indeed there he was, holding Dennis up in the air, nuzzling his nose into Dennis' belly. Dennis was making noises that made it sound like he was giggling wildly. And the smile on his little face was that most beautiful thing in the world to me.

"Look at you, you've definitely grown. Got some nice facial structure going on there, man." Andy told Dennis. I laughed a little and rolled my eyes.

Andy must've heard me laugh because he turned around right away, smiling brightly. And oh how I hated the way his smiles made me feel. He then gently put Dennis back down into his crib and came to me right as I turned away and walked back into the kitchen. I sighed and started unwrapping the flowers, to put them in a proper vase.

"Do you like them? They're your favorites." Andy then mentioned.

"You don't have to tell me that." I muttered. What a stupid thing to say. As if I didn't know that they were my favorites. Idiot. I let the flowers slide into the vase, and walked with it to the living room, placing it on the corner table beside the couch.

"Can... can we talk?" Andy asked nervously, following me around wherever I went.

"What's there to talk about?" It seemed a bit late to finally talk about things now. It had been months and there had been so many chances that he had never taken. I sighed, opened the door to the garden and lit up a cigarette.

As I was about to step outside, Andy grabbed my wrist, yanked me back in against him and suddenly kissed me flat on the lips. Immediately I pulled away and slapped his cheek.

"Oww." Andy then muttered, confused and shocked. He sighed and looked away. "I suppose I deserved that." And he fucking did.

The urge to slap him again a thousand times was strong. But there was another urge that was just that bit stronger. My heart was nervously beating in my throat; it made me feel nauseous as hell. But I just couldn't hold it back any longer. Without another moment's thought, I gripped tightly onto the collar of his shirt, pulled him to me and kissed him. Andy instantly kissed back, almost desperately, and carefully cupped my face into his hands.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! I just... I just loved him too much. I needed him too much.

Slowly the kiss deepened. Our tongues intertwined and a single tear started rolling down my cheek. It was not something I wanted to admit to, but I had longed for him so much.... his arms around me, his lips on mine, and just him being with me. Andy gently wiped the tear away and kept caressing me with his thumb as we kissed.

A few minutes passed by, before I pulled away again and turned my back to him. I didn't want him to see the tears that were still falling. But Andy then simply wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back into his chest. "I love you so fucking much, Lexus." He whispered into my hair. "I want to be a part of this family. I really do. I've been such a fucking idiot. Can you ever forgive me?" Hurt and regret resounding in his voice.

For a moment, I stayed quiet. At this point of course I wanted to forgive him.

"Dennis needs a father, Andy. He needs you." I eventually whispered, my voice cracking from all of the damn emotions. "I need you." I then added ever so softly, squeezing my eyes closed, trying to stop the tears.

Andy kissed the top of my head and tightened his embrace. "I need you both, too. Fuck you have no idea how much. We'll make this work, you and I, won't we?"

I took a deep breath and turned to him. "Would you... would you like to stay with me and Dennis for the day? Maybe go do something?" I suggested with a soft smile.

"I'd love that." Andy whispered with a sincere and relieved smile. I wasn't ready to just let Andy back in like nothing had happened. It needed some time, and he definitely had to prove to me that he was indeed there for Dennis. That was the most important thing.

"Okay just let me get ready and then we can go." Andy then nodded and let me out of his grasp. In the bedroom as I changed into some skinny jeans and a long, black lacey top, I suddenly heard the doorbell ring furiously. I quickly grabbed my vest from the bed and ran out to the door, but I was too late; Andy had already answered the door.

"Dude!" CC's excited voice yelled. "Didn't expect to see you here!"

Andy laughed and opened the door wider to let them all inside. "Same to you." He muttered, kind of amused.

"Now where's the birthday girl?" Ashley called. "Ah there she is! Come here hot stuff!" He then added the second he had spotted me. He ran straight towards me and pulled me into a tight hug. "How are you and Andy?" He whispered really softly so no one else would hear.

"We're getting there." I whispered back as we pulled away from the hug.

"Good, that's good to hear."

Ashley seemed pretty pleased about it. He knew more than anyone just how strong both Andy's feelings were for me, and mine were for him. Apparently the guys had found it necessary to celebrate my birthday to lighten up everything that was going on and make me feel a little better. They had no idea though just how good I already felt at that point. Well... they probably did know.

It's official!! I have completely finished writing this story. NO- this chapter is not the end, there's a fair few chapters more to go... but they're all finished and waiting in line to be posted yay! :3

Now i can go work on other stuff <3

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